non-computer games


Sep 17, 2001
[lower austria]
which board games or card games do you like? which are idiotic to you?
do you ever play games aside form computer games these days?

I used to love Risk. My friends and I still play that occasionally. D&D was also quite popular when I was about 8 or 9. Nowadays I dont think any of my friends could take it seriously. Monopoly is also fun on the rare instance you have 10 hours to kill.
Risk, Stratego, Monopoly, Chess. Also D&D back in le day, and Magic. I may actually get back into that, considering the college I go to is Geek Capitol USA... :tickled:
Gadlor said:
Risk, Stratego, Monopoly, Chess. Also D&D back in le day, and Magic. I may actually get back into that, considering the college I go to is Geek Capitol USA... :tickled:

I used to play Magic alot. I played over this summer with some of my buddies when they got back from college. But we all got burned out on it. So I blew like 100 bucks on cards I didn't need. :lol:

D&D is alot of fun too. Havn't played it in like 3 years. Risk I play occasionally. usually involved massive amounts of alchol. Trust me that game rules when drunk.
I love card games and video games...never played D&D or many roleplaying or boardgames really.
I don't really play board games or card games too often. Not really sure why because the rest of my family does. The only game I can think of that I play is foosball, and that probably doesn't count (though I'm not sure if it counts as a sport either).
that game where you move the paddles on the side and it twirls the guys making them kick the ball back and fourth like soccer. Yeah you probably still don't know what it is :p
AH!! now i know! :Smokin:
hey, there's contests too, so it could count as sport, no? :lol:

that game can be funny as hell - even though i hardly ever manage to kick the ball into the direction i actually want to.
once, when some friends and me played it in our fave bar, one came up with the idea of handling the paddle with the butt when trying to shoot a goal. he was not drunk - and it did work, he did some scores :tickled: us others stood and stared like :OMG: and then couldn't stop laughing our butts off :lol: