computer games

anyone who loves computer games and isn't excited about DOOM 3 should not be here!! i've worn all the doom games to the ground, from DOOM to DOOM 64, anytime a new DOOM came out for any console i gobbled it up. sure, i love half life, counter strike and the all quakes, but nothin compares to DOOM. all this talk about DOOM is making me want to revisit hell once again...
Originally posted by bleedingskeptic
anyone who loves computer games and isn't excited about DOOM 3 should not be here!! i've worn all the doom games to the ground, from DOOM to DOOM 64, anytime a new DOOM came out for any console i gobbled it up. sure, i love half life, counter strike and the all quakes, but nothin compares to DOOM. all this talk about DOOM is making me want to revisit hell once again...

I'm excited about Return to Castle Wolfenstein due out November 28th. The original Wolfenstein was one of the first of that type of game - plus, the new one runs off the QuakeIII engine - should be good.
Originally posted by Oyo
Did you try the multiplayer test Metalman? I played it for like a week, my 650P3, 256MB of RAM, and geforce 2 MX (Yes, I know my computer sucks, but I am just telling you because I know most people don't have top of the line computers) got horrible framerates. I'd assume it's because there's sooo much going on in the beach map.

I haven't tried that yet. I just got my new machine {P4, 1.8Ghz, 1048Mb ram, 64Mb GEForce3 video card}I don't think I should have too many problems.

Where do you access the multiplayer test?
It is great to read that others have become addicted to that game just like me....Good. Now I know that I am not the only one addicted to it. :lol:

Anyway, the bad news is that HM&M IV was due out this week and has now been pushed back into January of next year :(

The good news is that from reading about it in PC Gamer magazine, it is quite apparent that HM&M IV is going to be the best one yet...waiting...waiting...waiting...

Also Return to Castle Wolfentstein & Doom III are on my is Thief III.

Playing as of now - Gabriel Knight: Blood of the Sacred, Blood of the Damned and Red Faction.
Originally posted by Oyo
Pft, you'll have a perfect framerate. Get it at or (you'll have to wait in line at file planet, but if you have broadband conn. you'll get like 100kb a second once you are done waiting in line)

Thanks - and yes, I also have broadband. At least I have a decent computer experience at home.
I played it for like a week, my 650P3, 256MB of RAM, and geforce 2 MX

i had virtually the same system and know people with the same system here's the catch

hate me and call me ignorant looser but an Athlon Tbird 650 owns a pIII and cost what 40 bucks? ok its a little too late for that but i got an asus av7e and a Tbird 950mhz for 160 bucks...thats about less of what you would pay for a single p4 processor....maybe prices are beign cut i havent been aware recently still the asus mobo i own its the top of the hard on performance, i kept my same video card, i get sweet framerates in 800x600 and 1024 resolutions, thats for a system that i could build today for under 600 american bucks....
Os its key too, while it seams on the heavy side pump it up with ram ( come on 256 sell for what 20 bucks? you waste more than that at month checking this board ) and xp can bring down a performance gain on games....just turn off all luna related interface thingies....

That should make a difference between 16 to 20fps and 35 to 45 or 50 fps
ah monkey island one of my first pc games, still reckon its the greatest game ever made, all those old lucas arts games were great, and i really got hooked on duke nukem 3d when it came out few years ago it was great to play online, apart from those usually get bored of games pretty quickly, like to play MUDs occasionally, mainly cos there text based and i can telnet into them when im at college, can be quite addictive :)
The best computer games:

Ultimas IV through VII (including part II)
Thief series
Monkey Islands 1 and 2
Quake I
Planescape: Torment

These games can kick the asses of any other game in their respective genres.
Anybody here who likes Vampire: The Masquerade, Redemption?
Far the best RPG I've ever played, sucking blood hehe
Quake 3 rules too
Hey, why not organise Quake3 game,over the net between all of us?
I think i still have a key for q3 put me down
and yea while it has its downsides vampire the masquerade redemtion its by far the best history ive seen in a long time in crpg, followed ( but not close ) by bg saga....great game
wish there was more people to seriosly roll play with in
....but then again i cant understand the nod engine