Favourite PC Games

Let's see... my favourite games are the ones that have managed to awake some feelings in me.

AVP 1 (2 wasn't so good except for the Marines part, made me crap my pants repeatedly)
Unreal (not Unreal Tournament!)
Thief 1

Ooh, speaking of Thief - I once made a sort of "radio play" or "conversation" using nothing but files from the Thief 1 & 2 sound libraries, and, if you don't mind me saying, it's really f**ing good. :) I laugh my ass off everytime I hear it, I should post it here. It'll be funny even if you've never played Thief, but Thief fans will get a kick out of it for sure.
My all-time favourite is System Shock.

Jagged Alliance and JA: Deadly Games
Tomb Raider I
half life
quake 2

...and i'm such a dork that i STILL play doom I,II and final doom (as well as some wads i found), only now i can look up and down as well as jump.:D
Fallout 2 has to be at the top.
Anything Blizzard ahs put out (Warcraft 2 & , Diablo 1 & 2, Starcraft).
Quake 3
and so on...
Final Fantasy VII (i played the PC version, so HA)
Deus Ex

think thats about it. i should be getting warcraft III, and neverwinter nights soon.
1)Baldurs Gate 2 Needs to be on the top, is just the most incredible game to ever exist for replayability...
2)...then again Fallout 2 comes damn close...
3)...then there's Neverwinter Nights that has come this far in so little time and with so many bugs, is still just an incredible game
4)Planescape Torment
5)Vampire the Masquerade: Redemption ( it looses points for poor inmplementation of the rules and straightfoward hack and slash linear style, but anyone who says console games have better stories needs to give games like this a chance )
6)gta 3
8)blood ( the original one )
9)SoF ( the original one, might try sof 2 but the beta version as disappointingly slow on my tbird 950/g3ti200, perhaps patching will get it faster or perhaps ill buy a better computer in a year or 2 and ill give it a try )
10) Starcraft ( the only game that came even close to interest me in the rts genre in general )
Originally posted by Misanthrope

5)Vampire the Masquerade: Redemption ( it looses points for poor inmplementation of the rules and straightfoward hack and slash linear style, but anyone who says console games have better stories needs to give games like this a chance )

Did you learn of the Tzsimitze clan through this game? Or are all those clans actually real and part of history and myths and stuff, and you already knew all about it because vampires are l33t?

(vampires are l33t.. redemption was good... never finished it.)

The only console games that I find have better stories are final fantasy.. namely 7.. and maybe 9 and 10...

But I have never finished a "western" rpg.... such as what you mentioned above...