Favourite PC Games

Originally posted by Kushantaiidan

Did you learn of the Tzsimitze clan through this game? Or are all those clans actually real and part of history and myths and stuff, and you already knew all about it because vampires are l33t?

(vampires are l33t.. redemption was good... never finished it.)

The only console games that I find have better stories are final fantasy.. namely 7.. and maybe 9 and 10...

But I have never finished a "western" rpg.... such as what you mentioned above...

I got introduced to the pnp game with a preview of the game Vampire the Masquerade. I thought it sounded interesting so i said well the real thing should be even more interesting. I did got the corebook before the pc game was out but i did noticed the Tzimisce clan more because of the game.
Originally posted by Kushantaiidan

Did you learn of the Tzsimitze clan through this game? Or are all those clans actually real and part of history and myths and stuff, and you already knew all about it because vampires are l33t?

(vampires are l33t.. redemption was good... never finished it.)

The only console games that I find have better stories are final fantasy.. namely 7.. and maybe 9 and 10...

But I have never finished a "western" rpg.... such as what you mentioned above...

Planescape torment is the best story driven rpg i have played. There is very little fighting involved in fact is mainly a social game.
Baldur's Gate I + II,
Cossaks: European Wars,
Return To Castle Wolfenstein,
Doom I + II,
Diablo I + II +Expansions,
Red Alert + Tiberian Sun,
Originally posted by Misanthrope

Planescape torment is the best story driven rpg i have played. There is very little fighting involved in fact is mainly a social game.

The entire world agrees with you there.. but unfortunately.. I still could never get into that damn game..

I'll try it again one day though.. I can't afford to miss such a story...

I just found the game daunting at the start.. like.. what the hell do I do??
Originally posted by Kushantaiidan

The entire world agrees with you there.. but unfortunately.. I still could never get into that damn game..

I'll try it again one day though.. I can't afford to miss such a story...

I just found the game daunting at the start.. like.. what the hell do I do??

Same here. Have it, couldn't really get mind into it, got distracted by other games....I should probably get back into Baldur's Gate II :\

come come my child, welcome to the world of open ended non linear games

*pats in the back*

Hehehe but seriously, the very first and most important thing in any of this kinds of games is figuring what kind of player you want to play. Is your character known for his phisical stenght or for his mental traits? Is your character strong? is he a bully or an honorable warrior? Is your character likely to use his agility to liberate objects from their money? Is your character ingelligent enough to deliber doom by reading pieces of papers and chanelling magical energies? Is your character a true diplomat able to talk anyone into slitting their own throat? Is your character one of the wisest man to ever live capable of overcoming most situations making the best choice for his pruposes violence or otherwise? Is your character a force of righteousness, a force of evil, or doesnt cares about neither? Is your character honorable? a deceiver, and outlaw, and outright criminal whatever his intentions might be? doesnt cares about either too?

A Roleplaying Game like Planescape Torment really focuses on the roleplaying part of it because is so open ended, so big, with so much to do you have to know what you want to do before you start. Most of the quest and situations oftenly have more than 1, often more than 2 and sometimes more than 3 or 4 ways to solve them. If you are roleplaying your character and limit yourself to what your character would say, you'll realize that most, if not all conversations, end up having just 1 possible solution.

Is a very different kind of game, when people says it has a great story is not because you witness it like on the FF series, is because you build it according to the actions you take in the game, you are not a memeber of the audience you are an actor. Its a very different form of game but you might learn to appreciate it and realize about the beauty of it.
For all you Half-life fans, if you hadn't played the excellent PC Gamer add on ~ They Hunger, shame on you, you don't know what you are missing.

Over the many years...

Heroes of the Might & Magic 2 & 3 (4 sucks) ~ addictive as crack.
Wizardy 8
Max Payne
Wolfenstein both old and new
Doom, all of them
Duex Ex (sp?)
Planescape Torment
Baulder's Gate
Unreal (the best graphically of its time)
Quake I and II

so many more...
Originally posted by Misanthrope
Hehehe but seriously, the very first and most important thing in any of this kinds of games is figuring what kind of player you want to play.

Whenever I play RPGs I usually make the same choices as I personally would do in real life. I can't relate to a pillaging and raping barbarian warrior, and certainly wouldn't enjoy playing a character like that.
Originally posted by Orchid

Whenever I play RPGs I usually make the same choices as I personally would do in real life. I can't relate to a pillaging and raping barbarian warrior, and certainly wouldn't enjoy playing a character like that.

Thats a valid approach. You could miss some replayability but you would end up enjoying the game more the first time around anyway.
Originally posted by Misanthrope
You could miss some replayability but you would end up enjoying the game more the first time around anyway.

Yeah, that's true.
Pretty much the only exceptions I make are things which don't affect the game itself much, but makes the playing more pleasant for me (like killing that annoying son of a bitch in Arnika in Wizardry8... what's his name.. Miles? "Say, what's the word on the streets, guys?" :mad: :grin: )
Return to Castle Wolfenstein
Fallout 1 & 2
Crimson Skies
Quake 2 & 3
and many more..

Grand Theft Auto rocks!!!! wish someone made a Kushantard mod to beat the shit out of him over and over
Final Fantasy VI, VII, IX
Deus Ex
Legend of Dragoon
Diablo II
Half Life (and other mods)
Myth games
Super Metroid
Return to Castle Wolfenstein (just beat it yesterday)
I'm gonna start my first experience with a Forgotten Realms game, Baldurs Gate, it should be interesting.
Well I basically just put my favorite video games overall. They stopped making Final Fantasy ports for computer after VIII. Legend of Dragoon is another PSX game that I put up there.
Oh I also forgot to put Silent Hill 2, that game was frightening.