Non-gay bro thread a.k.a. Random offtopic stuff.

One of my coworkers at my old job took her phone pretty much wherever while on Zoom calls. Hard to forget that one meeting where she took it into the bathroom and put it on the sink -- camera still on -- while she did her business. The camera was pointed up at the ceiling, thankfully. She was zapped from our staff list within the year.
So my band just released a music video for our new single. Won't bore you with details much, I'l just say it's completely DIY and low budget, music itself is some kind of mixture of metal, hard rock and grunge and guitars are fairly melodic. I play bass by the way, also lyrics are in Serbian language.

So my band just released a music video for our new single. Won't bore you with details much, I'l just say it's completely DIY and low budget, music itself is some kind of mixture of metal, hard rock and grunge and guitars are fairly melodic. I play bass by the way, also lyrics are in Serbian language.

I can’t put my finger on the exact genre and era I’m feeling here (Some sort of 90s-2000s heavy metal/hard rock), but this has a sound that I’m seriously nostalgic for and think would’ve done really well back then. I really enjoyed it— I especially love hearing the bass so clearly in the mix. I just bought it, and I hope you send over more of your guys’ music if/when you put more out.
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Thanks for checking it out! Yeah your 90s-2000s description sounds about right I agree. And I'm aware how nonsensical it sounds to a non-speaker in terms of singing and lyrics.

It's a fairly new-ish band, we released a 5-track EP about a year ago, and this a brand new single that I posted just now.
Off that last year's EP there are two tracks that are probably standing out a bit from the rest, first one is a pretty up-tempo hard rock song, latter is slower and more melodic with softer singing so I'd say those two are the ones I would check out:

🇸🇪 Dödsrit new album is an amazing melodic "black metal"/early IF inspired band with pure swedish guitar harmonies:

(How cool is the passage starting at 3:58)

Absolutely love this, gonna be listening to it a ton for a while.

We got another “I don’t want” chorus, fellas, and at this point it really does feel like Stanne’s reading what we’re saying because there’s a lot of them in this chorus.

Still absolutely love the song, though it definitely cements the feeling for me that the guitars will always be on autopilot until the solo.
Very cheesy, but I think that's the point. I enjoyed this one. This could be completely baseless, but I have this strange feeling that Mikael doesn't want to (lol) be in this band. Mainly because of that social media video where he was revealed as the vocalist and he said something like "yeah for some reason I agreed to be in this."
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Let's get back to power metal for a moment and check out these dudes, they put out two underrated albums in the early 2000s. Well, maybe underrated is not the right word, in power metal circles they are very well rated but generally rarely come up in these conversations. They went viral for a moment about 10 years ago as a reddit meme but that's it.

Coming back to this kind of late, but I've only just realised Daniel Heiman is doing guest vocals on this track:

No idea how I didn't make the connection before as it's obvious that it's him (and he still sounds great).
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New Pain album is out :kickass:

(I grew up listening to this band alongside In Flames and Hypocrisy)

I could never really get into Pain for whatever reason. Hypocrisy are great though.

This song rules, and I don't even particularly care for symphonic metal.

OK wasn't expecting harsh vocals! Her cleans sound really good too. Song is quite fine, albeit maybe a tad too long. But then, I am not typically a fan of longer songs. With that said, recently I've really been digging Helloween's Skyfall which is like, 12 minutes, so I guess there are some rare cases where it works for me.

I was noodling around a couple of evenings ago and recorded that, trying to blend bits of the version on The Jester Race with the Acoustic Medley arrangement.

Nice, but no medley is complete without the inclusion of the all-time classic In This Life.
I could never really get into Pain for whatever reason. Hypocrisy are great though.

Sad Broken Heart GIF by MOODMAN
I could never really get into Pain for whatever reason. Hypocrisy are great though.

Maybe you should check out that new Pain single where Peter says the line "suck my balls!" I almost spit out my fucking drink listening to that. I like some Pain songs, but I'll choose Hypocrisy 10/10 times.
I like Pain but I feel like it doesn't have that much to offer. He makes accesible songs but it's just that. Not a band that I would listen at regularly. Mire like once a decade.

Now, I've listened to new Night wish and, I like it. At first it was meh but the more that I listen to it the more I like the song. But, I'm confused as to why the lyrics and the music have different vibes. The message is optimistic and bright while the music is kind of dark and gloomy. It feels frustrating as an experience.
Maybe you should check out that new Pain single where Peter says the line "suck my balls!" I almost spit out my fucking drink listening to that. I like some Pain songs, but I'll choose Hypocrisy 10/10 times.
New Pain album is far better than new Hypo imho.

I like Pain but I feel like it doesn't have that much to offer. He makes accesible songs but it's just that. Not a band that I would listen at regularly. Mire like once a decade.
Album like Rebirth, Nothing Remains the Same, Dancing with the Dead, Psalms of Extinction, Cynic Paradise, You Only Live Twice are pure monuments of melancholy and epicness.

(There're just the first one and Coming Home I'm not a fan of)