Not just new here.. never heard DT.. hehe


Oct 24, 2001
Atlanta, GA
Ok, I love ArchEnemy, ATG, InFlames, Soilwork, Borknagar, shit like that.. I hear that DT is another very good band... problem is I always pick the shittiest songs to listen to first, haha.. so this time im comming to the fans.. which albums should i listen too.. (note: though most of these bands are melodic death i listed, i also like more extreme stuff, so if they have any albums like that dont hesitate to recomend them :):) ) thanks for any help in advance.. and rock the fuck on \m/
Well, if you're into the more "extreme" stuff, you will surely enjoy their earlier albums "Skydancer", "Of Chaos and eternal night", and "the Gallery". Perhaps even "the Mind's I", wich is for now my personal favourite DT album. The two latter ones "Projector" and "Haven" are a little bit more progressive, with some synth added. Two awesome masterpieces both of them.
There have been similar threads on the forum, but I guess my duty is to answer you once again.

Dark Tranquillity in short (lack of excess time on my behalf evident):

Skydancer - Their first full-length album, recorded back in '93 in an inferior studio compared to Fredman (where the later albums are recorded) - thus the somewhat bad sound and the band isn't fully mature yet, the playing not that "tight". The songs, however, are refreshingly original and well-constructed compared to anything ever done by any band - emotional and melodic, with little repetition and poem-like lyrics. Listen to songs like "Crimson Winds" and "A Bolt of Blazing Gold" and you get the idea of this unique album.

Of Chaos and Eternal Night - The Mini-CD made between albums and after some changes in the line-up. Very exploding, guitar-driven stuff. Now available on the re-released Skydancer.

The Gallery - The legendary album that set the standard for melodic death metal for several years. The production is excellent and the band very strong and confident. The two most popular songs of the album are the furious opening-track "Punish My Heaven" and the haunting "Lethe". A classic album, all in all.

Enter Suicidal Angels - Three songs taken from the studio-sessions of the following album, plus one horrible HC-techno-remix. Recommendable only to true fans of the band.

The Mind's I - The most brutal DT-album, with profound aggression all through the album. This might be the "extreme" stuff you are looking for. Majority of the songs are rather short and fast - "Dreamlore Degenerate" is a good example. Many would recommend "Insanity's Crescendo" to you, but it really isn't representative of the album's general direction. Neither is "Hedon", but that song is a classic everyone needs to hear.

Projector - A step to a new direction - clean male vocals once again (some where used on Skydancer) and less aggression overall. Great "moody" album, nevertheless, and there's still enough death metal elements to ridicule any Depeche Mode -comparers. Search for songs like "To a Bitter Halt" and "Nether Novas".

Haven - The latest album, and once again a new path - this time with a lot of electronics in the sound. The album full of instant hits, this album has grasped the band a renewed audience. Try songs like "The Wonders at Your Feet" and "Rundown".

Awaiting the next album...

Wow, you summed that up pretty well, although I'd recommend "the sun fired blanks" and "exposure" from the Projector album, rather than "to a bitter halt". Oh, that raises another question: Why, oh why are they releasing extra tracks on the Japan-releases? Exposure is a killer, now why is it not on the ordinary release of projector?
villain it's amazing, I would copy what I posted in the other threads but you start the "essay" every time...that's a good encyclopeDTist ;)
Not to double post like a dumbshit.. but I just realized how diverse a band this is... I listen to alot of Industrial and Goth.. the newer stuff sounds like stuff i would listen to when i was in that kind of mood.. very cool... still ... I ordered Mind's I.. cause it death fuckin metal.. haha... good stuff