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Jun 13, 2002
Republic of Alberta
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Just a few questions I have to the forum that aren't really music related, but just to get to know people better :)

1. Anyone here really good with mathematics or at least really interested in it?

2. Has anyone studied philosophy, independently or in school, and if so, who do you appreciate, understand, or accept the most (i.e. if not completely)? (e.g. Aristotle, Plato, Descartes, Hume, Kant, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Russell, Rand)

3. What instruments does anyone play?

4. Political philosophy? (ooh, this is always such a dangerous question, but I have to ask :) ) e.g. are you a capitalist or communist sympathizer, etc?

5. Favorite books?

Anyone willing to share?
1) No.

2) No.

3) 6 String Axe Of Death, Grim Death Vox

4) Capitalist

5) I don't read as much as I should, but currently reading "Until They Bring The Street Cars Back" (Neither Tr00 nor Grim) ...
>>1. Anyone here really good with mathematics or at least really interested in it?

Hmmm, well, I'm in the process of learning to program games, so I've checked out some of the 3D geometry- looks a little mind-bending, but looks like I'll be learning it :D I used to be good at it back in High School a few years ago.....

>>2. Has anyone studied philosophy,

I read Dante's Divine Comedy once (boring load of crap it was, too ;)). Does that count? Otherwise, no......

>>3. What instruments does anyone play?

Guitar. Played classical style from the age of 11, went on to study it at Universtity. About 4 years ago I got sick of that, now I play only electric guitar. I kinda suck now though, towards the end of my classical days, I was good enough to be able to play pretty much any piece of music, but on electric I'm decidedly average. It's frustrating, having been that good, to now not be, but oh well....

>>4. Political philosophy? (ooh, this is always such a dangerous question, but I have to ask :) ) e.g. are you a capitalist or communist sympathizer, etc?

Ummm, I'm right wing, insofar as politics in NZ goes (that is, what qualifies as right-wing in other countries isn't necessarily something that applies here, or something I'd support). Communism would be great if we weren't human beings....

>>5. Favorite books?

The Night's Dawn trilogy by Peter Hamilton is the best thing I've read in the last few years (I haven't read anything for over a year though, I go in phases :D).
Various Stainless Steel Rat books by Harry Harrison
The enitre series of Sandman by Neil Gaiman, if you count graphic novels as books :p
1) Nope... wish I was, it'd make this semester a hell of a lot easier... taking multi-var calculus and confusing the hell out of myself...

2) Not really...

3) Guitar, very badly, and sing horribly to myself in the car

4) Vague. My main political philosophy is to try and not be an asshole about politics.

5) Anything by Haruki Murakami, especially Norwegian Wood... Neal Stephenson, Neil Gaiman, etc, etc... recently reading Graham Greene, Henry Miller, and Bruce Campbell (Ash from Army of Darkness) ;)

Share? Hmm... I've got a few waffles, and about a half a gallon of orange juice... You're welcome to them, if you like... Strange, I only ever eat breakfast foods at around 2 or 3 at night :)
Originally posted by yourdeadgroom

The enitre series of Sandman by Neil Gaiman, if you count graphic novels as books :p

Hell yes those count! Sheer brilliance :) See my sig :)
1. I always sucked at math and hated that subject, to say the least.

2. I took a philosophy class at school. We studied most of the philosophers you mentioned, but I can't really say that I have a "favourite" one. In a way they all make sense. I'm currently taking a class on some French moralists from the 16./17th century (Montaigne, Descartes, Pascal, La Rochefoucauld).

3. I play bass. Once in a while I also grab an electric/acoustic guitar or attempt to play drums.

4. Don't really have a political philosophy. I'm more into history and don't read a newspaper everyday. I avoid political discussions because I usually come to the conclusion that I have no clue what I'm talking about or because people get pissed about my politically incorrect remarks. Or both.:lol:

5. My favourite book is "Anton Reiser" by Karl Philipp Moritz. I'm too lazy now to write down all the books that I enjoy.:p
1. I used to be good at mathematical stuff once, but somehow it feels like aeons ago.

2. Until now I have only been scraping on the surface of philosophical topics, but this might change soon.

3. I'm not a musician, just a passionate listener.

4. I like elric's reply :)

5. Michael Moorcock, 'Elric of Melniboné'; W. Somerset Maugham, 'Of Human Bondage'; Truman Capote, 'In Cold Blood' plus some German books and various poetry.
1. Anyone here really good with mathematics or at least really interested in it?

i wish i was :(

2. Has anyone studied philosophy, independently or in school, and if so, who do you appreciate, understand, or accept the most (i.e. if not completely)? (e.g. Aristotle, Plato, Descartes, Hume, Kant, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Russell, Rand)

yep, i did a huge essay about heidegger, but i dont accept/understand his nazi stuff, mostly out of plain curiosity

3. What instruments does anyone play?

see answer 1, i wish i could play

4. Political philosophy? (ooh, this is always such a dangerous question, but I have to ask :) ) e.g. are you a capitalist or communist sympathizer, etc?

second joy of grief

5. Favorite books?

i havent had much time to read lately, but i enjoy read mostly classics
i think im going to read jules verne next. or douglas adams, cause i have such a strong prejudices about that one. so im going to prove myself im wrong (wise or not :rolleyes: )

and hello to all, nice to be here again :)
1. Anyone here really good with mathematics or at least really interested in it?

Mathematics is the subject that troubles me the most. Normally there's nobody in class who does it worse than me. I'm better at languages and that kind of stuff...

2. Has anyone studied philosophy, independently or in school, and if so, who do you appreciate, understand, or accept the most (i.e. if not completely)? (e.g. Aristotle, Plato, Descartes, Hume, Kant, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Russell, Rand)

I love philosophy, I even consider studying it in a few the moment I'm still stuck in school (this is my 15th year in school now (!!!!)) Still need to finish some books about philo that I already started to read...I just wish I wasn't that lazy...

3. What instruments does anyone play?

I played piano for three/four years when I was 7 or something. But I was more or less forced to do that, so I never got good at it due to lack of motivation...

I got a used e-guitar last year, but I didn't take any lessons, so I can't play. Originally I wanted to play bass, maybe I'll get a bass this least I hope so...

4. Political philosophy? (ooh, this is always such a dangerous question, but I have to ask ) e.g. are you a capitalist or communist sympathizer, etc?

Well, I don't know. Both systems have their (dis)advantages...I'm neither "right wing" nor "left wing"...I guess I'm in the middle then ;)

5. Favorite books?

I've got a book with all important stories from Edgar Allan Poe in it...all the stories are translated (into german, since that's my native language). It may not be a 'real' book with one big storyline, but it's still my favourite.

I've got tons of books in my room that I want to read, but I'm totally fucking lazy, I can't help it :p

Douglas Adams is great, indeed. A friend of mine gave me one of his books...(I don't know the english title for it), haven't finished that one yet.
1. Anyone here really good with mathematics or at least really interested in it?


2. Has anyone studied philosophy, independently or in school, and if so, who do you appreciate, understand, or accept the most (i.e. if not completely)? (e.g. Aristotle, Plato, Descartes, Hume, Kant, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Russell, Rand)

No, but it's interesting

3. What instruments does anyone play?

No one unfortunately :(

4. Political philosophy? (ooh, this is always such a dangerous question, but I have to ask :) ) e.g. are you a capitalist or communist sympathizer, etc?

I'd say capitalist, but i'm not much into politic things

5. Favorite books?

It depends, i like different kinds of books and also my mood changes so change also my favourite books...., really too many to say!
Hey, cool responses :) I realized I had meant to at the time, but forgot to add my response to share some of myself.

1. I stink at mathematics, at least in working out some of the pure mathematical stuff, and I stink at the highschool stuff, which is odd, 'cuz I'm not bad in between at some of the various subjects (mostly discrete mathematics and set theory).

2. I'm a philosophy major, so I read most of it, but my main focus is in the area of mathematical logic, so once I go for my doctorate, I'd (hopefully) be considered more of a logician than a professional philosopher.

@ Myrkur: Heidegger I'm only familiar with on a historical basis, and not so much with his works. However, from what I read about him, I hear (at least from existensionalists) that it's sad how many simply dismiss his works as a result of him having been a Nazi, and that his works didn't express these opinions as much. Perhaps only joined the party to maintain his position at the university, since nazis didn't really care for intellectuals and few of them didn't feel any negative impact when Hitler came to power... it's still weak I suppose, and I sympathize with your sentiment although I really should find out for myself :)

3. I've been playing the drums for about five years, but if I was in a band, I'd rather not be the drummer but the vocalist.

4. I'm a capitalist, all the way. That comment on communism being a good idea if we weren't humans: that's interesting, I've never thought about it that way. I suppose your right. MAybe if we were ants.... but then again we're not :p

5. Yeah I have a lot of favorite books too, but my two all-time favorites are Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead, both written by Ayn Rand. I don't care for MarilynManson that much, but his Autobiography was an awesome read, and so was Bruce Cambell's, COnfessions of a B-Movie Actor. Ray Monk's biography, Wittgenstein: Duty of Genius was really good too. As for fiction, I enjoy most of Stephen King and many other mental-masturbation novels like the Resident Evil series (it's a guilty pleasure, but I love zombie-fiction for some reason:D )

1) not with math but I'm really good & interested with geometry
2) yes
4) I don't really know... a bit of all maybe :)
5) all books written by : edgar alan poe, h.p lovecraft, milan kundera , wilhelm reich....
I like reading pretty much, I can give you a long list of my fave books but that ones are enough I think...
Originally posted by EvilGenius

@ Myrkur: Heidegger I'm only familiar with on a historical basis, and not so much with his works. However, from what I read about him, I hear (at least from existensionalists) that it's sad how many simply dismiss his works as a result of him having been a Nazi, and that his works didn't express these opinions as much. Perhaps only joined the party to maintain his position at the university, since nazis didn't really care for intellectuals and few of them didn't feel any negative impact when Hitler came to power... it's still weak I suppose, and I sympathize with your sentiment although I really should find out for myself :)

actually what i remember reading, his nazi past was controversial, some people claimed that his contacts with nazis were extravagant. i dont know whats true. i just didnt want to give that expression that im somehow idolizing some wanna-be-hitler. but i think his works (of existentialism) where really interesting and respectable. and i did learn a lot when reading his pieces of work. he has to be one of the most debatable philosepher ive bumped into. it seems you know lot about him too? and philosophy in general?
1. Anyone here really good with mathematics or at least really interested in it?


2. Has anyone studied philosophy, independently or in school, and if so, who do you appreciate, understand, or accept the most (i.e. if not completely)? (e.g. Aristotle, Plato, Descartes, Hume, Kant, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Russell, Rand)


3. What instruments does anyone play?

Fukking heavy metal guitar in a fukking Katatonia/Opeth cover band

4. Political philosophy? (ooh, this is always such a dangerous question, but I have to ask :) ) e.g. are you a capitalist or communist sympathizer, etc?

Nope, but I also like Elric's answer - I must second that :p

5. Favorite books?

I like Dean Koontz / Stephen King / Richard Laymon and other horror writers like Poe and such, but mainly I'm forced to read things from guys like Goleman
Originally posted by EvilGenius
...Bruce Cambell's, COnfessions of a B-Movie Actor...

just bought that yesterday :) and just finsihed it yesterday :) that's the problem with reading fast, you buy a book and sit with it for a few hours, and thats it :/ really like loooong books so you can drag it out :) was a very funny book, definitely recommend to anyone interested in the movie business from the point of view of someone who's not exactly a big star, but is still in enough to have seen some cool stuff... scary how much motivation he and sam raimi had, making a full movie just sort of for the heck of it :) and hey, evil genius, get yourself a copy of soulseek ( and come visit the Tonight's Music room sometime, hang out, eh?
Originally posted by myrkur
sorry, just re-read your post and there are the answers already :)
im just too hasty..

:) That's okay. I have a bad habit of doing that sometimes too.

As for Heidegger, I think what you said is in the same vein as many other academic philosophers. When they read his works, they do so objectively, realizing that for the most part (as at to the best of my knowledge), he wrote philosophy, not nazi propaganda.
nice thread :)

1/ yup,when i was still at school i used to be quite good at it...not in geometry though... hopefully school is history now :)

2/ not my cup of tea.....i had to study a bit of philosophy and some epistomological stuff for 2 subjects for my studies and i still wonder how i managed to pass them......what a nightmare.....

3/ used to play the piano for 9's almost 2 years since the last time i touched it to play sth serious.... i guess my naighbours are happier now ;)

4/ look at the reply of the_joy_of_grief :lol:

5/ wonderful question :) apart from Tolkien's stuff my fave books are:
-Terry Pratchett & Neil Gaiman "good omens" (very witty book)
-Karin Fossum "de galnas hus" (i don't know the english title,it must be sth like "the house of the mad")
i can't think of sth else right now
1.-I am good at math but if I don't get it right at first I toss the book away
2.-I go to Indian philosophy classes and I study literature(which includes some philosophy)
3.-I used to play the bass
4.-I have no political philosophy,I just don't like globalization a lot
5.-There are lots of books I really like some of them are: Crime and Punishment,Lord of the Rings,The Gospel according to jesus christ etc