Not Panzer related but...


Dec 14, 2004
Waynesburg College, PA
Last night my buddy and I drove out to Cleveland to see 3 Inches of Blood. They're a new band, and I think they are an acquired taste, but once you give them a fair chance you really start to like them.

Anyway, here's the story. It's about a 2 hour 40 minute drive from Pittsburgh, and after missing our exit into the city, we finally find one that leads to the street we wanted. Unbeknownst to us of course, is that we had missed the right exit. So we pulled into a Sunoco to ask where the venue was, and my friend notices that there is a man inside the convenience store with a bandanna covering his face!

He starts yelling to me "Robbery! Robbery, Dan, drive away!" And I am about to pull off when we realize that this guy isn't holding up the store, he's just cold. :loco:

So we get directions, and of course it's 40 minutes down the road. 40 minutes and three Popeye's Chickens later, we reach the show. It seems dead though, and we pull into a gas station lot to park. As we are walking to the front of the venue, this black man stops us. He actually introduces himself by telling us that he just got out of the penitentiary. :OMG:

So naturally I want to be in another place. But the guy asks if in the spirit of Christmas we can help him out by loaning him some cash to get a hot meal. Now I have no problem giving to those in need, but I would rather have physically taken this guy to the Burger King and bought him a sandwhich, so that I know he was taking me. But my friend, being the good soul that he is, offered to get him change at the gas station.

The guy at the station then gave us some really lousy news. The show is cancelled, and the headlining band was arrested last night in Toronto! Naturally I'm jacked, and after giving the man in need his cash, we left for home. But in our confusion as to how the hell you escape Cleveland, we notice that the venue is all lit up. Deciding to investigate, we find out that indeed the headlining band was arrested, but the supporting act, 3 Inches of Blood would be playing... and tickets were half price!

So we got in, and the show was great. There was hardly anyone there, but that was perfect. We got to stand in the front and rock with the band. That show was one of the most intense concerts I have seen. If anyone has a chance to check them out, I would highly suggest it. They're no Maiden, Panzer, or Priest, but they're a bunch of talented musicians who just like to have fun.
I have their new CD. I liked it. A bit more Priest than Maiden, definitely an 80's style of metal.
I saw 3 Inches in Detroit and they put on a good show, but that cd is EXTREMELY boring. Very, very monotonous.

But where the hell did you hear about Satyricon getting arrested? o_O
I saw 3 Inches in Detroit and they put on a good show, but that cd is EXTREMELY boring. Very, very monotonous.

But where the hell did you hear about Satyricon getting arrested?

Meh. It's something new for me, I don't listen to screamy metal so in my listening habits, it's unique.

I heard from several Satyricon fans at the show, and some crazy Hispanic convenience store clerk. Obviously this can all be a B.S., but I'm only telling you what I heard. There were signs that said Satyricon would not be performing, and that is the only concrete facts I have.

So I'm not reporting anything but what I heard.
Jean-Pierre said:
I saw 3 Inches in Detroit and they put on a good show, but that cd is EXTREMELY boring. Very, very monotonous.

But where the hell did you hear about Satyricon getting arrested? o_O

Arrested? Perhaps. Maybe that's why they cancelled the remainder of their tour. At least, according to
It's always good to introduce yourself quickly followed up with a review of your rap sheet. :err:

Glad you got to see 3 inches after all that. 3 Popeye stops? o_O Ya'll must really love chicken! ;)

Good story!
It's always good to introduce yourself quickly followed up with a review of your rap sheet.

Glad you got to see 3 inches after all that. 3 Popeye stops? Ya'll must really love chicken!

Good story!

Yeah! My friend took out his wallet and started thumbing through all his tens looking for ones... I could have died. I was waiting for a few of his buds from the penitentiary to jump us and make off with our cash and my car.

Oh the Popeye's was just in Cleveland. THEY love chicken. Well so do I, but that was insane. That wasn't counting all of the KFC's they had on every block either.
haha you're crackin' me up over here.

Well thank gosh I don't haveta sit in tommorow night watching America's Most wanted looking to see if I could ID your new Christmas Card List additions.... :tickled:

When I was in Ohio it felt like I was in the deep South v. strange feel for such a Northern State. But I just chalked it up to my East Coast ignorance ;)
Well thank gosh I don't haveta sit in tommorow night watching America's Most wanted looking to see if I could ID your new Christmas Card List additions....

:tickled: Funny!

It was SO different! I don't mean to sound racist, but I felt like we were the only whites in the city... There were more black people there than at a Snoop Dogg concert.

And another common "store" that they had were liquor stores which also served as "check cashing locations". There were no banks until you entered the main city. It was like driving THROUGH a stereotype.
Av you're a trip!

I find it very convenient to be able to cash my welfare check, pick up a 40 and get my chickens skinned all in one location and so close to the bus stop as well.

As an aside to jump back into some football talk, the city of brotherly love is pretty much crushed thinking about TO not being able to play. Were worried about our Superbowl chances here and to think of a Bowl not being Pittsburgh and Philly is ...well it's unthinkable. What a crazy ass weekend it was.
On a more positve note, we had a little tribute metal fest up in central NJ with cover bands representing Pantera, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden and Black Sabbath.
Ok Im just rambling now, not making any sense so I will stop o_O
I find it very convenient to be able to cash my welfare check, pick up a 40 and get my chickens skinned all in one location and so close to the bus stop as well
. :tickled: :tickled: :tickled:

Well it is different! It could be worse, you know. Obviously this is a place that has found peace with itself, and is not ashamed to say they love liquor, chicken, and welfare!

I too am crushed by the loss of TO. Now we might be hearing his mouth more often. :erk:
You guys will probably still make the Superbowl though. Aside from the Eagles and Falcons, the NFC is pretty much all garbage. The Pack's mystique seems to be withering away. (Did you see the flop in Lambeau versus the Jaguars?)
The Iggles should match up against the Falcons pretty well anyway. But then again, I am a hockey person so my football knowledge isn't always very good.
At least you don't live near Pittsburgh... STEELERS STEELERS STEELERS ROETHLISBUGUEURHRERE...
There isn't enough lube to go around for these fanboys to... nevermind, it's depressing. Oh well. They'll come crashing down to reality after the first loss. That will be fun!
Seems no one outside the gates of Philly like Mr Owens. I guess a commentating job isn't somethig you'd like to see him do! But sadly it's official he won;t be playing for the rest of the season and while we'll make the Bowl its not a sure shot we'll win it. Besides we have dog shit luck in spots here in the city. *sigh* We could almost taste it..... Freakin cowboys, if they thought they were a hated team here before they ain;t seen nuttin' yet. Damn Rat Bastards!
My hockey knowledge is real limited, course Im a Flyers fan by default but I don't know a darn thing about 'em.

Just got out of work, what a zoo, I work at Best Buy right now while I am in school and aside from the kick ass discount it really SUCKS. Man oh man there was a lady today complaining to me about all the shopping she had to do yet for her son for Christmas after she just dropped 735 bucks on PS2 games Cds DvDs etc and Im thinking my Gawd youve spent this kinda mad cash on Christmas gifts in one store for one child and you still have more to do and youre complaining about it? Spoiled rotten people man, devastates the heart to think of such troubles.....
Best Buy is my home away from home. If they let me live there, I would. Really there isn't anything a human needs that it doesn't have. You're probably just having a rough time since it is the holidays. Of course everyone wants to shop at Best Buy, there's so much stuff there that you can take care of anyone on your list.

Too bad about that crazy woman. I kind of feel for her though. I've been waving my little plastic card of infinite cash around WAY too much. Come January I'll be sitting in the dark crying when I get my bill.

Then I'll listen to Jag Panzer and remember that as a pirate, I have only to find my lost treasure and then all will be well again.
MMMM Pirate.... do ya wear the whole Johnny Depp type garb? Gotta love a man who can wear eyeliner!

Yea I was cussin out the store cause of the crowds but I guess I shouldn't complain when you're getting your credit card bill I'm gonna be getting a paycheck with huge ass OT hrs. And the discount really rules, I just wish I had the $ to get a plasma flat screen ...

Well I'm off to work !:wave:
MMMM Pirate.... do ya wear the whole Johnny Depp type garb? Gotta love a man who can wear eyeliner!

I can't discuss that on THIS particular forum... :loco:

Seriously, if I had a 60 inch plasma TV, I think I'd live in my bed until I died. Which wouldn't take long obviously since I'd just get really fat and have a stroke or something.

I'm assuming that since you've got that quote in your signature that you dig that album? I thought I'd ask because And There Was Silence is one (if not the) of my favorite songs. Not that I don't love the whole CD, but that's the big one, IMO. I have a love hate relationship with The Maiden and Minstrel Knight. On the one hand, it's a beautiful ballad, but on the other it's a sappy icky girly love song!
Well since I am a girl, I guess that's why I love it?
The fact it is also an incredibly awesome song helps too ;)
I love Blind Guardian, pretty much every song. But right now that quote is pretty in tune to my ongoing situation. Which I guess if we can;t discuss guys in eyeliner on this forum we can't discuss that either :tickled:
I'm so excited you knew the quote. Whohohooooo let's see you like Jag and Maiden and Guardian. Av, I love you! :worship: This is gonna sound strange but uhhhh tell me you like Billy Squier too..... :Spin:

Hey look we have a Spam Icon ha ha.

:Spam: Perfect for cookin' for your first date :OMG:

So didja do all your Christmas shopping yet? I did //// guess where all my gifts are coming from this year LOL

I'd send in some of my Jag photos but my scanner light died a couple months ago :( So make sure you send in some of yours!!!
I make it so I'm always signed in, that way I don't have to waste the 4 seconds it takes to action log on. :loco:

Now I hate to burst your bubble, but I have no idea who Billy Squier is! But do you know who... ... ... Let me think... Billy... Idol... nevermind. See, talking to someone else who loves metal is hard because everyone knows the bands I know, and usually I don't know some artists that other people do.

What about Rhapsody? Do you know them?

I finished with shopping early this year. Usually I wait until tomorrow to be done, but like I said, come time for bills to roll in, I'ma be short one kidney.
*sigh* Alright well it's not a shock considering Billy didn't play metal or anything. ;)

So how was your weekend, I didn't get everything I wanted to get done also, but ah well it was a good weekend nonetheless. And now it is back to reality. Well till Friday anyway LOL
Big NYE plans?
Christmas pwned. Had dinner with my mom and grandparents, then just relaxed. Half the electronics I got didn't work, and apparently Target gets nothing but damaged goods. They're like the Gabriel Brothers of electronics...

That's what people get for not shopping at the glorious Best Buy. I WAS going to Detroit to visit my cousins, but at the last second my other cousin had to back out because his baby is sick and they don't want to get the other little ones sick. And there's no way in hell I'm driving to Michigan. My car is a lease so I can't rack up the miles. Garrrrrrrrr...

Anyway, I don't have any NYE plans. I should probably call up some of my buddies and see if anyone wants to hang out, but more than likely I'll just stay in and play video games. Sounds great to me :D

How bout you Kellz?