Notable Releases: 2015 Edition

Yeah man, I really enjoyed that Obsequiae, thanks for pointing it out. It might even end up as one of 3 albums from 2015 I purchase!
You chaps have highlighted a bunch of good albums from this year, but Obsequiae might end up being the best. I was gay for Kayo Dot for the last 3 months
no really, thats an excellent song dude. looking forward to buying the album! damn… 2015 has been such an awesome year for metal. it's only going to get better folks. new noltem is literally a couple of weeks from completion. exciting times.
no really, thats an excellent song dude. looking forward to buying the album! damn… 2015 has been such an awesome year for metal. it's only going to get better folks. new noltem is literally a couple of weeks from completion. exciting times.

Thanks man!
our old friend MATT STIKKER released a really fucking killer EP with his band Drouth. black/death type stuff. show a former RC amigo some support and check it out. really great stuff, this guy just fucking kills it on the geetar.
His username used to be like cthulufagn or something like that? he lived in chile for a while? pretty cool dude, from oregon? anyone?
all of you are faggots
Well yeah, but now I'm listening since I know which Matt this is. And, this is pretty good, indeed sir.

The best part of his username is that he misspelled Cthulhu Fhtagn, and lamented its ensuing curse!

EDIT: No fucking shit, this is restoring my faith in modern metal. So good I'm sitting through it twice!