Notable Releases to Come 2009 Edition

Has anybody heard Todeskult Apathy? Depressive BM from Kraut zen Danke Braut. I arose in a horrific mood, subdued by an absence of emotion. For reasons I can't recall, I ended up going to Eisenwald's website where the track ..Dem Menschen ein Wolf lifted my spirits. (I suppose they failed at what they were attempting to achieve.) I sought more of their material, ended up dling their freshman release, and unfortunately this just throws more dirt on my extinguished pyre. What an abysmal world, may the devil take it...

Here's the first release, if anybody cares. :confused:
So let me get this straight: after repeated attempts to ingratiate himself to this board, Anal Nathrakh has decided to try to become the "unpopular guy who SPEAKS HIS MIND" or something.
I don't play video games unless they're pre-1999 and/or made by EA Sports. Though that new Ghostbusters thing may be cool.
The best sports video game of all time was Blades Of Steel for regular Nintendo. I will take this opinion to my death.