Novembers Doom tabs

Dead Winter

Apr 30, 2002
I'm sure this has been posted before, but I was wondering if anyone knew where to get some Novembers Doom tabs? Above all else, I really want to learn "Awaken". It doesn't seem that difficult, but I'm just a little too lazy to figure it out, LOL!

Every note is right where it should be in that song; it's perfect. It flows so well, and it gets me right in the stomach every time I hear it. There are only a couple of lines of vox in it, but the music speaks so much more than words could.

The dynamics of Awaken have to be some of the best I've ever heard; it takes you to MANY different places, not just one. It starts out very mellow, and builds to a gutteral tone, setting the mood and attitude of the song. Then it builds into a slow, steady climb up a steep mountain, and then just rockets off to the top, sitting atop a plateau for a bit, and keeps you there. Just when you think that it's as majestic and high as it can go, it REALLY takes off and finishes with a climax that will leave tears in your eyes. You can't just feel the music, YOU FEEL this music. It's almost like the guitars have taken a life of their own, and every emotion that you've ever had is rushing over you, as the emotional floodgates have been opened, and won't close again as long as this song is playing. You're spent, and it feels like you just got kicked in the stomach as the song winds down and the "I will die someday" lyric plays for you. If you could put this into pictures, which is almost impossible, you would (or at least I could) see a beaten, broken down person, staggering to his feet, not giving up, taking one more punch, one more kick, and one more blow to his spirit. He just keeps going, doesn't stop, and keeps plugging away, just living through this hell until relief finally comes, yet he doesn't know when it will. So he won't give up, he'll take whatever punishment is unleashed upon him, because he's numb to everything now, and they aren't going to beat him.

That might have sounded a little melodramatic, but that's what this song does to you, this music. I desperately need this tablature, LOL!
I've wanted to introduce a "tabs" section on the website for some time now, and now, we actually have a lot of the material "tabbed" out. It's just a matter of getting the "OK" from Larry, so convince him here, and I'll do it!

By the way, thanks much for reading into the music so deeply! It makes it all seem worth it when people enjoy it that much!
Tabs rock. It's nice to see how accrately you can figure out a song. At least that's what I use them for. Of course you guys tune down a ways don't you. I'd have to set up a guitar just for that; 2 axes, 2 floyd rose. :rolleyes: I know. And I don't have anything budgeted to remedy that in the near future. :mad: But I say do it anyway.
Thanks for the interest in stuff like Novembers Doom tablature guys. Yeah it has been brought up by several people in the past about tabbing out some of our music, and I have always meant to sit down and do it but, while I can read both tablature as well as standard sheet music, actually writing it is alot more difficult and time consuming. That doesnt mean I dont intend on doing it, and actually its something I have given serious thought to very recently. Also, since both Eric and I wrote songs both together and separately, its hard for me to tab out all of Eric's solo parts and whatnot, because to be honest, I dont really know all of his parts! But thats something that hopefully he and I can work on together in the future perhaps.....
To at least get you guys started, I will let you know some basic things here. First, we tune our guitars to C, and then we drop down the low E string to B flat. Yes we use the drop tuning method, but we very rarely use the basic one figer chord thing. This tuning basically lets us do alot of different chord structures that are somewhat impossible to maneuver in standard tuning.

As you can hear, we use alot of dimished chords, minor chords, and suspended chords, where we form a minor or major chord configuration, but then allow the B and E strings to ring open (such as the beginning of 'Awaken', where the Bminor and D chords are strummed with the b and e strings ringing open naturally). Also we tend to never play straight single note melody lines without having some sort of low note or droning low open string going on at the same time (such as the octave riff at the beginning of 'Broken', where an octave melody is being played while simulatenously letting that low E string ring out openly over the whole section.) These little things and bits are somewhat trademark of our style and if you can follow what Im talking about here, it might help you figure out alot of this stuff on your own, by your own ear.

'Awaken' is really one of Eric's main showcases. I played on it but I performed mostly the rhythm guitar parts underneath the solos and harmonies, which were mainly performed by Eric. He has a flair for those leads.

Anyhow, I hope to be able to work on laying down some tabs for you all in the near future....if you have other specific questions about anything like this, or particular songs or sections you want to learn, feel free to ask.

p.s. For low B flat tuning, my suggestion is to use as heavy a set of strings as you can handle. On regular guitars, I would suggest at least going for a set with a .56 E string, the tuning and intonation will be much better. I've been using a Fender Subsonic Baritone guitar for the past year, which has .13-.60s on it, but the Baritone is made for low tuning and has a 27" scale Gisbons have the .56 gauge on them.
Yeah, there's no way I could get to a Bflat without my strings literally hanging off my guitar. I've actually never played around with any tuning other than standard. I should really pull that floyd rose tight on one of my guitars and play around with tunings. I've got a feeling I'm missing out on a lot.

And what's all this with diminished, suspended etc. chords. I didn't even know they have names. :D Actually my grasp on theory etc. is pretty weak. I've been noodling around on the guitar for about 8 years but only decided to actually learn it about a year ago. And since I'm not one to sit down and just learn stuff without putting it to good use, I'm trying to learn all this stuff while writing songs. It's quite a long process.

And tabbing stuff out is a pain in the ass. It's so damn easy to forget notes here and there. I think at times it's almost easier to keep track of everything in standard notation. That is unless you have to start adding all those damn lines above the staff, or below. I've never been able to get a good feel for that. I have to sit there and count how many lines are there so I know what note to play.

But I have no requests for anything really. I would like to see a couple though. It really helps to give me a greater appreciation for the music when I know what' s going on.
One more thing. Anyone, feel free to add any suggestions for any literature, websites, excersises, etc. to aid in my progresssion as not only a guitarist, but a musician in general. One thing to note, I will not take lessons as I do not feel anyone in the Green Bay area will be a worthwhile instructor, so don't recommend that.
Originally posted by FrostGiant
Oh yeah. Just tell Eric to quit wasting all his time posting on the MOTW and tab some shit out. :)