Now doing something?!!! i'm happy to hear that!!! Well if you decide to go to Spain you know that you will have a guide for a day or two :)

@theredin: the other day snowed quite a lot's so I'm pretty jealous at you at the moment :p

@Ingenius: Yeah, ebay IS dangerous heheheheehe!

as for me...I'm having my last couple of hours of work. Today is my last day here since I want to have at least ten days free before I finally leave to Spain. I'm really eager to stop working could say that my boss is a moron and after 9 months of working with tourists you start getting the feeling that they all should be burned in the deepest of hells, but well I always exagerate, so don't worry :p

ND: Enjoying the sound of the sand fall! ;)
Wonderful Blue moon :) I'm very happy for you!! :Spin: Sad that when you'll come we won't be here :( i'd also like to listen to this french accent :grin:
Anyway, keep us informed and if you go to Spain, we'd be pleased to guide you, as Fv already mentioned :)

brrrrrrrr orthodox churches scare me... but i understand why it was cool for you... I also found the catholic church cool when i went...

thered@ i want snow,too :waah:

FV@ congratulations!! Your working-in-greece era is over :))) :Spin: and oh, i don't know if i've ever told you, but your boss sucks!! :grin:

ND: PMing and posting,chatting a bit and feeling hungry...
interesting situation :p i think ill have a yoghurt
M & FV : well thank you guys, I'll check that with her ; anyway we want to go to Greece and Italy, among other countries, so I guess the Mediteranean is a recurring theme, shouldn't be too hard to convince the Yankee poli (I'm so funny I'd poke myself with a q-tip) to go there as well. We'll see. I don't know much about Spain though, except that Barcelona seems amazing. Especially those buildings constructed by the famous architect whose name's escapes me...

BTW with the quantity of snow we have here, and with the cold outside (-23 C), I really wonder why you guys are so happy to see that white sh*t on the ground. I'm on the verge of death provoked by the lack of vitamins usually provided by the sun.

Oh, Mel, my accent ain't that great :blush: Nothing to create a hype about :blush: I'm sure a spanish accent is much more interesting for chicas :tickled: .
Blue Moon said:
I don't know much about Spain though, except that Barcelona seems amazing. Especially those buildings constructed by the famous architect whose name's escapes me....
i bet it's Gaudi :) Barcelona is indeed an amazing city!!!

Blue Moon said:
BTW with the quantity of snow we have here, and with the cold outside (-23 C), I really wonder why you guys are so happy to see that white sh*t on the ground.....
I love the white shit (Blue moon,how dare you???:p)cause it makes me happy!!!!!! the white shit has been falling since late afternoon here, piling up on cars, making the trees of my street look so sweetly white, the same for some of the plants in my balcony and the garden behind my block of flats...and slowly slowly it starts covering the street (it was raining all day before the snow,so the white shit was melting when touching the ground, but now hehe it's taking its revenge)... It's around -5C here (which of course is not comparable with -23 :loco:, but still it's extreme for my area, it happens like once-twice every winter ) and in like 6 hours when some lunatic troll will wake up, she make pictures of the street hehe :hotjump:
I LOVE SNOW!!!!!!!!!

Yet the evil snow made me saddie :cry: FV left 5 days ago for Spain (i'll follow in 1 1/2 half or sth) and miss him so much :cry: it's sad that he is not here...i'm sure he would love to see the snow,too....

Rei@ hello sweetie!! *hugs*

me is going now...i will try to post a bit during the weekend...i miss this place :cry:

/trollaki (enjoying melancholically the best day of the winter... )
listening to the last Tiamat, posting here and being superlazy having myself locked in the house on a saturday evening instead of go ing out :erk:

buuuuuuuut tomorrow i'll go to the planetarium with 2 of my friends :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: *can't wait*
NowDoing: i should be studying german, but since tomorrow´s german class has just got canceled, i decided to surf a bit :Spin: and study later one...
also doing: waiting for the washing machine to finish, i have to wash more clothes later on as welll....surfing and posting here, drinking peppermint infusion and listening a bit to radio without paying attention to it
listening to my greek know...once you hear greek radio for so long and suddenly gets cut, damn you really miss matter how hard you had wished it to explode in thousand tiny pieces!

so i´m also updating myself in this house of wisdom....the asgaroth forum!
Yeah, tones of wisdom inhabits this holy place, may God include it into his list of places to send pilgrims to. Armies of them coming to learn, and reach some enligthenment... of... of some kind.

Glad you're back between us, you, Melon of Melons.

|ngenius, The Father.
Working at the hostel once more, enjoying all the posts I missed while i was away, listening to the new Tiamat as well (isn't it good ?!?!), will finish my shift in 4h30 to go see a show performed by some of my friends.

Mel : Your little diatribe on the white shit leaves me... cold :) *shudders* You know, that damn season lasts for like 6 months here. After 1 month, the whole romantic aspect of the winter is gone down the same way the electricity bills went. *shudders*

The coldest we've had here, including the wind factor, was.... -51C this winter. At this point, it's not funny anymore. One snowball on my face (which looks quite silly as I have a beard ; it's covered with ice. No joke.) and I kill the fucker guilty of throwing it. Lying on your butt because you just slipped on the ice is more than frustrating, it's bad enough to send you on a rampage.

I feel like putting my feet in the Mediterranean right about now. Thanks, Mel :P
Doing something? No, not really. I have nothing to do at the moment, I'm supposed to work here in God knows what and I just can surf the net in search of something interesting...

melonaki@ more greek radio coming soon to a chur...err...mailbox near you ;)
i just hope i won't bump into any acquaintance when buying the evil material :rolleyes:

blue moon@ the new tiamat is indeed great!! i'm listening to it a lot these days and also "a deeper kind of slumber". the latter together with "clouds" and "wildhoney" are my favourite Tiamat.
Considering the -51C, no thanks,i'd rather stay in my -when it comes to tempratures- lame country... :grin: i mean i love could weather,but up to some point!! some iceland or parts of scandinavia would do fine for me though :hotjump:

now doing: posting here, listening to (oh!!what a surprise) Subway mirror, drinking water (it seems i'll get drunk tonight :p), replying to smses and chatting a bit with a friend...
Now doing : Drinking beer, writing a text for an upcoming show, scanning another forum I go to, and agreeing with Mel about Tiamat (Deeper Kind of Slumber, Wildhoney and Prey being my faves ; never heard Clouds).

Temperature wise, it's much cooler (read : warmer) here now. White shit still everywhere, but hey, the worse just went by I guess. Two months left...
Hej, I'm not doing much, should be asleep but here I am :) and since I'm up already I'm thinking of enjoying a hot cup of tea.... so yeah, I'm pretty bored. :erk:
Yeah, it's quite usual over here, that boredom. As for the cup of tea, I know some trollish fellows quite addicted to flavoured tea, they're forming a religion (sect!! I'd say sect!!! And Melancholia is their leader, I daresay...).

|ng (Who follows his leader...)