Now doing something?

"Bite my shiney metal ass" jeje sorry, couldn't resist saying that after seeing that Bender avatar ^_^

Mmm so I'm not the only one uh? I tend to have a few addictive things and tea is among one of them, so is staying up late writing none sense stuff on forums... no, not really but I am addicted to the internet :err:

Oh and I'm not doing anything but I am freezing to death if that counts as something -_- by the way, count me in! in the sect that is.

(note to self: less sugar on the tea)
You're in, then. The Flavoured Teaphilia Sect (TM) accepts you, enjoy your trip through the Sacred Way of The Tea. :) Btw, you're spanish, right? Where are you writting from?

Ingenious@ you are on of the important members of the tea sect ;)

Fui Nienna@ i somehow thought you were basque and i was about to say " Kaixo! Zer moduz?", but i'll say "hola! qué tal?" instead ;)
Welcome to The Flavoured Teaphilia Sect!

now doing: music and posting and chatting about the abyss called "soul of a human"

/mistress of the dark tea forces Melancholia (:loco: )
Hi Fui Nienna...well actually I hope you still ARE Nienna ;) <stupidity>*warning: the previous joke won't be noticeable for nonspanish speakers* </stupidity> and welcome to the forum...though you've already meet the rest of the people who dwell here!!!

For my self i have to apologize for having left for so long...but the changes in my life had lead me a bit away from this...and well why not, i can well say that the fact that Asgaroth is a bit inactive and the forum has few activity has contributed to my loooong absence...

so right now what I'm doing is to try to update myself and read the last posts i've missed :Spin:

fathervic (feeling as a flat screen, now that we're the TFTS ;P)
FatherVic said:
Hi Fui Nienna...well actually I hope you still ARE Nienna ;) <stupidity>*warning: the previous joke won't be noticeable for nonspanish speakers* </stupidity>
:erk: it took me sometime hmmmmmmm ,but it was a good one :grin:
your humor rocks!!

now doing: chatting, posting, subway mirror....returned home an hour ago and i feel a bit tired now.....and i miss my bear...but at least i had a very nice time with my friends tonight...
and :hotjump: tomorrow it's sunday!! i prefer saturdays though,but oh well

/trollaki & her messy posts
I'm on holiday! It's quite sunny at the moment but it will always bloody changes when I'm on holiday! Right now I am looking at a beautiful blonde girl (probably from sweden. Everyone seems to be from sweden) and there is this spanish 50 year old bloke talking to her/trying to pick her up in a very spanish idiotic way, with loads of gestures and thinking that everyone all around the world speaks spanish too. I think the girl isn't interested. Probably that's how they invented the expression "hacerse la sueca", everyone must have spent so many hours trying to chat up the poor girls that in the end they faked to be retarded.
That's what I'm doing right now. It's like watching an Alfred Landa film. Shame I haven't any popcorn...or a hammer....
aloha guys, i'm back, tho for a little while, now :p
atm i'm having a big headache, drinking coffee and packing two big but already full suitcases, getting ready for a trip. it's been quite a long time i haven't posted, not only here but everywhere, due to the frantic activity of the last month (yeah, i'm exhausted), and i'm happy to be back even if to write a few lines; i'll be definitely back in a month, i believe (and hope). best of luck to everyone *smooch* :p
useless@ you´re spanish, right?

Rei@ :) have a nice time on your trip!!! I won´t be indiscreet and ask where you're heading to , but you can a tell us if you want ;)
Take care of yourself *hug*

NDoing: chatting,surfing a bit here and drinking peach & passion fruit infusion and missing a very special person :(
Useless said:
Mel@ I'm an English/Spanish genetic cocktail. Fathervic can confirm that. But yes...sadly I live in spain...sigh...
Sort of english-irish-catalan, I would say. And lovely, if my personal opinion counts as well. :)

Ung... unga... |ng. :hypno:
Useless@ you´re who i suspected you are ;) why sadly you live in spain??? is spain that bad?? :err: (tell me , tell me, cause if it's that bad, i still have enough time to cancel "my invasion" :grin: )

FV@ errr if you read the above,i'm joking =)

Ingy@ tsts i saw somebody replayed the word "spanish" with the word "catalan" :rolleyes:
STUPID ME!!!!!!!!!!!!i'm so forgetful

so many days since i saw that post theredinthesky made and still i haven't post a reply!

thered@ i hope your internet will get fixed,soon...we miss you :(
@theredin: do they sell fellas like you somewhere??? I want one like you in the livingroom in my home :) i hope you're doing well

@mel: well useless, even he never really uses less of anything is a red haired freak who thinks beating drums is the kind of thing one can do to pass the time and getting money from it. eventually he's right!

and no, spain is not that painful, it's just some spanish people who are...but there's painful people everywhere, so watchagonna do :cry:

@rei: i want a trip to..... i want to be somewhere else right would be so nice :cry:

fathervic (who wants to :cry: )
|ng@ I'm so catalan you can almost call me butifarrian. (not to be confused with botiflerian) And you are also very pretty. But let me say that you reside in a town with a lunatic asylum that's bigger than the whole village itself. Mountains & Asylums...what a lovely story...

mel@ invading spain? when you discover what "RENFE" is and how it works you'll be straight back to athens :P just kidding (or not). Welcome!

Ñatherñic@ I don't bash drums for money, I sell bloody farigola for that.
@Butifarrian: You bet, a lovely story, really. Notice, however, that someone living within the walls of that asylum actually enjoys of the big place, bigger than the whole town. :D
