FV@ The Mataro line is the best line! Try to catch the Puigcerdà (cerda...oink) line with only one track that makes the trains have to wait in the station until the next train leaves the track free. It's like a monorail...only that mono stands for monkey in this case. I love it so much when I'm stuck in Mollet for over 15 minutes...I can't stop laughing! (...) And what about the classical music that sometimes they have on at full blast and you can't even talk to the person right next to you. Ooooh and the ticketmen! What a bunch of bastards!
I prefer the ferrocatas...have you heard the sound that the ticket machines make when you press the buttons to buy a ticket? It's fascinating! It's like....mmmm.....PLOP! hahahah when there's a few machines being used you hear: PLOP PLOP PLOP PLOP PLOP PLOP PLOP!...arg...I think I shouldn't work so much...
Farigola, valeriana, camamilla, menta, rosella, romani, bardana, cannabis (nooooooo) sajolida, llorer, marduix...everything you can imagine! I'm Mr. Herbalarse!
By the way...Is anyone going on holidays this year?