Now Eating :)

Spanish rice is "paella" or is just something called Spanish Rice which doesn't resemble to anything that we spaniards actually eat?

Like the Pringles Spanish Sauce which I still can't picture out which damned sauce is that one...

Now Eating: Coke and peanuts...yummy
I don't know, but the ingredients are white rice, hambuger (Or any other meat), some vegetables (Green Pepper and Tomato), and I think maybe spaghetti sauce. I'll get back to you on the spaghetti sauce thing. I don't think that's the sauce that goes on itt, but I can eat six bowls of that stuff!
Yeap, theredin is right, no paella has ever been prepared with hamburguer or spaghetti sauce. I bet the concept of spanish rice was once close to the paella definition but it's been slowly drifted away over the years till becoming some sort of american mess.

I love the song I'm playing right now...

|ng (who just drinks)
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well according to Kids Cuisine and the sort of microwave food that americans have, every attemp to make any resemblance to ANY kind of food it's just blown away with undistinguable shapes of stuff that once might have been...something!!!!

I still have nightmares with the Halloween set which had bat-shaped chicken and green apple-jelly...yuck! (apart from the nutritional qualities)

If you don't believe me just check this...which comes from Swanson's breakfast pack, Hungry-Man All Day Breakfast:

it's simply incredible!!!!

for me...Now Eating...coke and peanuts...but don't mistake...these are different from last time...And what makes them different. Well it seems that it's just that the package states that these are Hot'nSpicy...hooooray :rolleyes:

fv (mad for strange stuff)
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Good lord! Is that real!? I wouldn't eat that meal in a million years! (Forgetting the fact I probably have many times over again, I just don't comprehend it.)

Soon to be eating: Dead humans. No, I'll probably go make a burrito and put hot sauce on it. Yummy.
Mmmmmmmmmmm this thread is Y U M M Y !!!!

the eating preferences of Theredinthesky scare me though!! Man, careful with what you eat!! Life is more precious than a pack of microwave food :p besides you're too young, this forum will live long and we will need your loony contribution and your peanut butter recipes :)

Calories per serving 1300!!!!!!Calories from fat 570!!!

Oscura_criatura@ supongo que eres español/española... De que parte de españa eres???

NE: Noting,but hmmm yummy,it's getting lunch time slooooowly slooowly.... have no idea what exactly i want to eat though

/troll (cereal maniac)
Spanish Rice isn't that unhealthy. Well if it's homemade of course.

I'm going to eat another homemade burrito. Those things are so good!
*Starts singing the Eric Cartman Southpark song*
You guys are my best friend. We're four of a kind, having fun all day...something...something...something...we've always been together, through thick and thin.....something....something....dang it I thought I remembered that song. :( :)
Wow i love burritos! and there is a lot of time that i dont eat one! :mad:

@Melancholia: yeah, spanish.i am from Galicia.

Mmmm.. this topic is my perdition, makes me hungry again! time to eat my mother´s apple cake
Crap I can't find this picture of this really horrifing Cafeteria Lunchfood. It's like it was radioactive. This glob of something was friggin purple and it wasn't jello my friend! I'll go look for it. Gauranteed to make you guys sick! I'll probably edit this out soon!

Now Eating: Well the last thing I ate was Orange flavored Sweet Buns. They're actually really good. No that wasn't intended to be a sexual comment! Where's my gun!? I think it's best if I stop right now.
Trying not to get upset our newly armed friend, i'll just say i ate McDonald's stuff today...and I think it's the first time EVER that I don't eat the stuff with it was homemade lemon juice...(well it's superstrong juice mixed with water and sugar :p )

fv (no, he didn't make a sexual comment either :rolleyes: ) cake :) creatura can you upload a piece of it please :p

I'm not eating,but i'm drinking a superyummy juice with pineapple,orange,grapes,grapefruit and lemon......mmmmmmm

I as well ate McDonalds today,very healthy stuff :pp at least the vegetable burger looks a bit more cool than those filthy "meat"burgers...

Tonight i'll have either cereals or quaker for dinner... Theredinthesky,do you like Quaker????

/troll (no,i didn't make a sexual comment either... eing??? :confused: )
Yup,queaker oatmeal.....mmmmmmmmmmm : saliva:

we also have quaker oats with apple bits and quaker oats with red fruit here,but i´m sure you have,too,since the other day i saw some strange dinosaur-quaker for kids on a webpage :yummy:

/troll (cereal killer)
I'm not really a cereal person...i'm more a doritos & coke person...though i think i'm made of flesh, skin and bits of hair.

However,sometimes even me fall to the pleasures of OatSo Simple, from Quaker. It's the microwaveable oatmeal with berry or with's so nice. I never thought i could enjoy eating something that genuinely looks like puke :Spin:

NE: Doritos & Lemon juice
heheh Quaker oatmeal looks like puke :lol:

but mmmmmmmm when you try it you discover that puke tastes marvellous and look forward to the next time you're drunk :puke: :yuk:

me is drinking decaffeine coffee mmmmmmmmmm

mmmmmmmm FV pass me a dorito-triangle

/troll (who doesn't know what exactly she would like to eat)
marmite??? :puke:

seriously,you like marmite????wooooooooow, i can´t believe there are people who like this stuff :yuk:

NE: Cherry yoghurt......mmmmmmmm da best!