Now Eating :)

thered,lucky you that you have no idea of what it is :P

well,marmite,is a brown-coloured type of spread.It´s made of yeast and it´s a bit salty and has a very strong and strange taste *yucky* Many vegeterians like it...
FatherVic said:
If you don't believe me just check this...which comes from Swanson's breakfast pack, Hungry-Man All Day Breakfast:
Holy great mother of god. Do people really eat that shit? :erk:
Well, there's BOvril, which is for non-vegetarians and it's slightly less salty. You have to spread it in small quantities!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In England people used to drink in diluted in hot water!! Like a soup. It's very good for you, did ya know Melancholia?
@Rusell: yep...I also had trouble to believe it!!! Never underestimate the american way of breakfast :p

@theredin: Did you eat turkey??? What's the point with it??? I mean, why is it "a must" for thanksgiving??? Couldn't you just have a piece of Hungary??

fathervic (who just made the silliest joke of the day)
now drinking hot mint with honey....mmmm...ideal before bed...

Turkey is nice,but it's a lot of time i don't eat...i've started feeling disgusted by it,though :( the same for minced meat... I'm slowly turning into some sort of strange vegeterian :p

Theredinthesky@ what do you normally have for dessert on thankgivings day?

/troll (who has a LOT of marzipan in her fridge :hotjump: )
Oh that's the best thing about Thanksgiving. My family makes a whole bunch of different desserts. About eight differnet kinds of Jell-o make it to the table. My Aunt brings over this really good almond pie. I personaly don't like Pumpkin Pie, but that always gets it's way to the table. Apple Pie is always there. There's this jell-o with almonds, bananas, oranges, and apples in it and I really like that stuff. Cake is sometimes added. Cherry pie and Rasberry pie are in the feast. But there ain't nothing better than Turkey (Sorry Melancholia!), Mashed Potatoes, and vegetables. No dessert can top that hehe!
Ok, I would do a whole lota stupid things for a raspberry pie...It must be wonderful!!!

Though i'm not a "dessert guy" i prefer forest (uhu :err:). No, really, I prefer a bag of Doritos than any other sweet stuff...though cheese pie it's always welcome :p

Now Eating: Kaseropita! :Spin:
today I ate lentils....they were yummy.

The only problem is that I had them cold and here at work there's no way to heat them...but well, they were cooked with love, i ate them with love :p

ND: lemonjuice
mmmmmm lentils *yummy*I also ate lentils today :grin:

cooked with love as well ;))

tomorrow i'll eat pasta with the secret family sauce ;)

/troll (can somebody reheat my coffee,please??? )
oh my....... the forum and the reply-box look sooooo strange!! :dopey:
I like the black font on the replyfield though.. reminds me of school...blackboard and chalk :p

theredinthesky@ what exaclty did this microwave meal you were eating contain??

Rei@ is polenta made of potatoes? i've seen a pic once and looked like mashed potatoes

Now Eating: Weetabix with chocolate milk (the ideal lunch when i'm bored to cook).I'll have an apple afterwards
Now Drinking: Coffee *yummy*

@mel: nope, polenta is corn flour :) it's cooked in salted boiling water for a long time (depending on the quality of the flour 45'-60'), and served with almost whatever you want from butter and cheese to sausages, tomato sauce, mushrooms, fish and so on :grin: