now listen to paddy bout emos

metal paddy

call me paddy the mod
Sep 26, 2005
paddy knows what emos are now and slag them off if you must but i thiink its better than liking boy bands and shit and from emo the kid might end up into metal so leave the kids alone .EMOS PADDY LOVES YOU ALL GOD BLESS YOU ALL. iam off on the beer now so good bye!::kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass:
Paddy sometimes sounds amazingly like my roommate when she hasn't had enough sleep is incredibly hyper and wants to annoy me with internet lingo.
Susperia said:
Paddy sometimes sounds amazingly like my roommate when she hasn't had enough sleep is incredibly hyper and wants to annoy me with internet lingo.

Your roommate is a vagina AKA a female specimen with feelings:OMG: .
ohhh la la

Paddy needs to check into rehab!
metal paddy said:
paddy knows what emos are now and slag them off if you must but i thiink its better than liking boy bands and shit and from emo the kid might end up into metal so leave the kids alone .EMOS PADDY LOVES YOU ALL GOD BLESS YOU ALL. iam off on the beer now so good bye!::kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass:

Spoken like a true gentleman. Good day, sir!

(If anyone else posted this I would have to disagree on the grounds that they are not metal paddy)
i like rites of spring and evergreen but shit like minerals a bit too whiny for me though i like some emo-punk like say anything and w/e

i bet this threads going to turn into a bashfest perpetuated by people who have no idea what emo actually is
Shiny McShining Rodriguez said:
I would say that chances of this thread turning into a "bashfest" were increased ten fold with you posting that insight.

i want it to so i can tell people theyre stupid
High On Maiden said:
Spectacular Views's views aren't spectacular :Smug:

okay go back to your artistically vapid NWOBHM thats been passé since about 1985 and i'll keep listening to music with real substance, no problem
And alcohol isn't an excuse. I'm drunk right now, but I don't post in the third person. I thought he was amusing at first, but come on mate, it's getting REALLY fucking old now.
Lyle said:
hell yeah paddy i was at h&m buying some sweet pants and when the synth solo in mr. brightside came on i was like this \m/
:lol: i like that album.

someone accidentally bought me A Static Lullaby's first album. I liked that one too.