Now Playin' (It was just a matter of time...)

I think I should clarify something, it is my goal in life to destroy any and all love for NIN, as I feel NIN polluted the industrial scene and ultimately destroyed it. After NIN, industrial started to really suck and then it completely imploded and now... it's nothing. And what was it for? A complete and utter bastardization of industrial, that's what. There's no way in hell you can tell me that a single NIN song can compare to a single Skinny Puppy song, no matter what the song is (except for that god awful Spahn Dirge (live) which is horrible, horrible, HORRIBLE!).

np: The Old Dead Tree - The Nameless Disease - some song that I don't remember the title and I am way too lazy to look it up, it's track 11 for those who care (and I'm sure they don't really exist).
I saw Godspeed live, I wouldn't call it amazing, more like uncomfortable and intensely boring. I should have been on drugs, then I may have liked it... but Godspeed's music is so glacial and anti-dynamic... I got tired of that band in less than a week. Easily one of the most overrated bands around alongside Sigur Ros and Tool.

np: Nasum - Helvete
For the duration of todays work - Perdition city - Ulver

Now that I have finished it - Manowar Hell of steel ;)

(I know, I have no taste :D )

Cthulhu From Beyond
LuminousAether said:
..but Godspeed's music is so glacial and anti-dynamic... I got tired of that band in less than a week. Easily one of the most overrated bands around alongside Sigur Ros and Tool

Or they are not just to your taste ;) Godspeed are just like any other band that uses repetition and gradual change to build crescendos, and that is an aquired taste. :)
