Now Playing Thread

do you post on DD?
Nar, I do check the mtp once a week or so as there are people over there with a similar taste in music as me and there is often something of interest. But nar I don't post, I only really look at the mtp, so if I was to post it would just be "thanks for the upload" or "cheers for the up" and I cbf, haha. Guess it's a bit cheap to leach off the mtp and not contriubute, but it's a good thing the net ISTn a SeRious Bizness.
Coldworld- Melancholie², still quite the raper. Next Eluvium- Lambent Material.
I'm spinning the EP too, after a few listens I must say I quite enjoy it.
Yeah I quite like it, I had heard about them a while ago, but never got around to listening to it. Picked up their first EP a few months back and really liked it so I got the Sun Giant EP and the new full length which is meant to be great but I haven't had a chance to spin it yet.
Woven Hand- Consider the Birds, then Earthless- Sonic Prayer.
Blackfield - Blackfield II
NP: Once

I absolutely adore this album! I wish Wilson and Geffen would release the third album soon...
^Yeah, hopefully a third BF album isn't going to be too far off. Although it probably will be a while away, I'd assume PT would do an album next year at some point or early the year after. And his commitments with PT will come first. BF 1 and 2 are great. Deathspell Omega- Fas then, Pink Floyd- The Final Cut.