Now Playing Thread

Wow... IMToD... dude... Mono is fucking fantastic.
Listening to You Are There now... I think I like it better than Mogwai actually.
Guys, I thought we had this discussion.... You Are There>______

Just about anything you put up there, it slays.

NP: Isis - In The Absence Of Truth

Current Track: Not in Rivers, but in drops
How are these guys? I keep on getting referenced to them from the albums I buy and check out.
Pretty good band, all their albums are worthwhile. So I guess just gradually work through them. "Born into Trouble as the Sparks Fly Upward" is probably my favorite, but I like all of them around the same level. Haven't given their new one enough attention, next time I'm in the mood for that sort of music I will spin it again. I like the work they did in GY!BE moreso though.
Bob Dylan- Bringing It All Back Home, then Can- Monster Movie.

lol this is so fucking good
Black Bonzo - Brave Young Soldier

I've been meaning to check these guys out for a while now. This is some amazing prog indeed, I'm really loving it.