Now playing thread

David Gold said:
Awesome! I really dug that album. I used to be in touch with Tom (vocals) a while back. Good stuff!
Yeah, I've got some older stuff of WHW and was quite addicted to that back in the days. I corresponded with Tom for a while as well but then sort of lost touch and wondered where he'd disappeared off to. I understand he's involved in Solstice from the UK. Whether that means he actually moved to England, I do not know.
Incidentally Solstice is a band I used to really dig, but then that Rich guy started bitching like a rock star and developing an Oasis kind of attitude of "we're the best, fuck the rest!" What a downer. It's almost as tiresome as the whole "true/untrue" discussion in Black Metal.
It's also weird where both of these bands stand in the Cyberworld. Sites seem to come and go with little or no continuity. Strange.
Both While Heaven Wept and Solstice are awesome bands! I don't know anything about the members' attitudes, perhaps that's sometimes better. =)

np: Electric Wizard - Vinum Sabbathi