Now playing thread

If anybody on here says they weren't a 'rebellious teen' they are lying :lol:

As a teen I was a really hardcore "metal warrior" and an outspoken satanist and if anyone didn't like metal or believed in god I would be a real asshole towards them...but this is Sweden so bo one cares, perhaps my mother who is a christian was a little upset by the satanist thing but really no one cared so I would not call myself a rebellious teen...I failed at the rebellious part :(
As a teen I was a really hardcore "metal warrior" and an outspoken satanist and if anyone didn't like metal or believed in god I would be a real asshole towards them...but this is Sweden so bo one cares, perhaps my mother who is a christian was a little upset by the satanist thing but really no one cared so I would not call myself a rebellious teen...I failed at the rebellious part :(

This sounds a lot like me! Too much maybe haha :) I was also very very VERY aggressive towards religious people and if people listened to pop music/top 40 I would instantly label them as falsies and sheep :lol:

Two Steps From Hell - Nightwood
This sounds a lot like me! Too much maybe haha :) I was also very very VERY aggressive towards religious people and if people listened to pop music/top 40 I would instantly label them as falsies and sheep :lol:

Two Steps From Hell - Nightwood

I was more like "Fuck you, hail Satan, whimps and posers leave the hall!" :lol:

Reverend Bizarre - The Devil Rides Out :kickass:
I didn't have a very long 'hail Satan' phase. A month at most. I was like "God isn't real, Jesus never existed!" but I still liked Satan. Until I realized that why would Satan exist? 15 year old me wasn't very smart :lol:
I didn't have a very long 'hail Satan' phase. A month at most. I was like "God isn't real, Jesus never existed!" but I still liked Satan. Until I realized that why would Satan exist? 15 year old me wasn't very smart :lol:

Yeah that is a very common argument against satanism which just goes to show that those people know nothing about satanism...I could take it from a 15 year old though! :)

Rainbow - Kill The King :headbang:
Well, when it comes to Atheistic Satanists (LaVeyan) its not The Devil (or any god) they bilieve in so that argument is still valid in some cases.

I think you misunderstood me bacause that is what I ment. Using "if there is no god then there is no devil so how can you believe in the devil but not in god?" as an argument against satanists simply does not work as a satanist would also argue that the devil doesn't exists but is useful as a symbol and metaphor.
A satanist would also argue that the devil doesn't exists but is useful as a symbol and metaphor for the higher power within yourself. Satanism is called satanism because it has been created by people who grew up in a christian society and to them there was no greater symbol of adversity than satan.
The whole point of using the satanic approach is to free yourself from christian morals and dogma by going as directly against it as possible. Then when you are free from the restraints of christianity and the moral chains it imposes upon you then you are free to become who you truly are. There are of course many satanists (particularly within the metal scene) that has lost sight of what they are doing and claim to worship the devil which is just silly.


So using "if there is no god then there is no devil" as an argument against satanists simply does not work. :)

And that is what I said.

I thought you two implied just that...

""God isn't real, Jesus never existed!" but I still liked Satan. Until I realized that why would Satan exist"
I think you misunderstood me bacause that is what I ment. Using "if there is no god then there is no devil so how can you believe in the devil but not in god?" as an argument against satanists simply does not work as a satanist would also argue that the devil doesn't exists but is useful as a symbol and metaphor.

Yes, yes I did! So we agree. :)