Thirteenth Step ftw!


And about Emotive; I didn't really like it as much as the other two, but it had a couple of really amazing songs (namely Passive and When The Levee Breaks). For me, Thirteenth Step will always be their best album. Can't beat songs like The Noose, Blue, and Vanishing.

NP: APC- Vanishing
I don't like Emotive.Passive is good but we need APC not some silly covers.13th is my fave one but Mer de Norms is really good too.I understand the way they try to make people think and fight in the last album.But seriously we need APC.
tyr-the beginning ...ohh my fucking god!! thanx to whoever introduced me to this band <3!!!!!!!1
tyr-the beginning ...ohh my fucking god!! thanx to whoever introduced me to this band <3!!!!!!!1
Ragnarok is great, but Eric The Red is a bloody masterpiece. Just in case that's the only album you've heard.

I have nothing playing at the moment, but I was checking out Negur&#259; Bunget earlier, and I was pleasantly surprised.