Ragnarok is great, but Eric The Red is a bloody masterpiece. Just in case that's the only album you've heard.

I have nothing playing at the moment, but I was checking out Negură Bunget earlier, and I was pleasantly surprised.

Negura Bunget is worth everyminute,try to check "n crugu bradului" whatever the heck it means, anyways ...thanx for yer advice ill be checking eric the red as soon as i get done with ragnarok :kickass:
IMmOrTAL... TRUE BL4CKmEtALZzZORzzOrlOlololoLlololzoLol!!!!11oneoneone
all oThAR FormZ of MetAL ARe InFErIorZ!!!!!!!!
OnLy TeH BLaaCK MeTALzz Iz WORthY!!!!!!!!!!!!1111oneoneonetwothreefour