A handful of cds I've received from all over the world recently

Bolt Thrower "In Battle There is No Law" (c) 1988 - it was last official album i hadn't owned by this brilliant band. Some old school hardcore/grindcore tending to warmachinery death-metal. Really brilliant, but (ALAS!) hard to find anywhere these days.

Year Zero "Nihil's Flame" (c) 1993 - cool stoner/doom, sound like the mix of Wino's vocals with somewhat Motorhead/Blackstar/Sabbath. Pretty decent stuff, got it from their guitarist.

Year Zero "Creation" (c) 1995 - the sophomore album from these guys. Pretty the same thing is as the first albums, just a little less original and more monotone. Still not bad.

Father "Arkazum" (c) 2004 - stoner/doom/weirdo/rock from Mark Griffiths (ex-Cathedral, Year Zero, Blackstar). Nice stuff, with brilliant ideas. But vocals suck ass.

Paradise Lost "Frozen Illusion" (c) 1989 - nice death metal from these Bradford old farts, these 3 songs DO KICK ASS. It's wonder , don't know why, the tracks are the same as from "Lost Paradise" which is lame and shitty. Somehow here these tracks sound millenniums better and more honest.