Now Playing: Visions From The Spiral Generator!!

I myself are kinda worn out after 40 minutes, there's so much sounds, layers twisting and more than 40 min would simply be a downward spiral into failur I feel.

mr V
40 minutes for the album is perfect. not to short, not to long. "VFTSG" is amazing 40 minutes indeed... so, i wait now for DVD :p
Well.. I'm just as excited for more of the VS / Steve D combination.
(edit: More than just the sample I heard) Steve D made me start
playing bass!! Him alone! Because of what he did on Individual
Thought Patterns by Death and Sadus' A Vision Of Misery.. I had
never heard the likes except from Cynic and Atheist. Fuck these
dudes are good!
@Lordenlil: arghhhh... bass on "Visions..." is... amazing, wonderful, marvellous, excellent, magnificent, exceptional, great and bla, bla, bla... just listen "E.S.P. Mirage"... :grin:
:waah: Don't have it yet!!!! :waah:
Ok - enough whining.. I am making a 'poem' that contains
Steve D, Death and Vintersorg at least! :grin:
Coming soon.

Anyhow, I see I can expect great things from the album = happiness!! Some of you know I love technical progressive death
metal the most, perhaps even more then black metal... so I think
this might be a perfect combination for me?!! :)
Originally posted by Lordenlil
[BAnyhow, I see I can expect great things from the album = happiness!! Some of you know I love technical progressive death
metal the most, perhaps even more then black metal... so I think
this might be a perfect combination for me?!! :) [/B]

probable IS, indeed;) do u like Dan Swano's "Moontower"? "Spegeusraren" is similarity :grin: this keys... yeah, i love progressive elements on new V:grin: :grin: :grin:
I wanna go to a party with Mikael Å, Swanö, Vintersorg,
Entombed guys, Blakkheim.. and many more in Sweden..
he he - piss drunk and totally maniacs.. would be great.. ha ha!

Like, after all these years one kinda feel like one knows them,
even if that's not the case, and they're becoming more human
too. Not like yrs ago. The respect for their achievements is still
there, though. But Swanö really did a lot, man... so many projects.
Gotta respect that and the quality of his works..
Originally posted by Lordenlil
I wanna go to a party with Mikael Å, Swanö, Vintersorg,
Entombed guys, Blakkheim.. and many more in Sweden..
he he - piss drunk and totally maniacs.. would be great.. ha ha!

hahahah... what an crazy idea! but i totally agree - he is very hard-working man. project like project, but let's see on quest: keys in Darkified, guitar in Uncanny and maaany others bands!
Originally posted by Somber Soul
I ordered my copy of "Visions from the Spiral Generator" yesterday directly from Napalm (I do live in the same country after all). Hopefully, it'll arrive tomorrow (along with Primordial's "Storm Before Calm" and Opeth's "My Arms Your Hearse").

And I just realized that this is my first post at the Vintersorg forum. Some may know me from the Borknagar forum. I've been reading the Vintersorg forum anyway but haven't posted till now.

Hello all you Wintersorrows! :)

HELLooooooooooo Somber Soul :)
Nice to see you finally posting here :grin:

*Morg melting away listening to VFTSG*
@Morg: talk about music, not booklet:lol: what u think about my beloved "E.S.P. Mirage" and vocals in "A Metaphysical Drama"???
Originally posted by KamelotGuardian
1. Quotation
2. Vem Styr Symmetrin
3. A Metaphysical Drama
4. Universums dunkva Aurabet
5. ESP Mirage
6 Spegeusraren
7. The Explorer
8. Star - Guarded Corination
9. Trance locator

Erm... mind if I correct something? If I read it right it says:

1. Qutation
2. Vem Styr Symmetrin?
3. A Metaphysical Drama
4. Universums Dunkla Alfabet
5. E.S.P. Mirage
6. Spegelsfären
7. The Explorer
8. A Star-Guarded Coronation
9. Trance Locator

@ the old Eldzik b(Eldrik :p) About the songs, I said not to expect any reviews of me right away. I will listen to it many times first... but I can tell you that I like it a lot... I wanted to pick one song out to listen to it all day, but damn, I can't make my mind up which one to pick... :p
Just having a second spin... hm... one thing for sure I don't need many spins to let it grow on me, it has already grown on me. :)
Now I'm going to let it spin over and over again to find every little detail I might have missed at the first spin, etc...
Originally posted by Lordenlil

U hope u'll get it tomorrow already? Isn't there usually something
called... mm.. I dunno the English word.. u know administrative
shit, and then the order goes to the stock/warehouse before it is
shipped off etc. And that often takes time. I would never expect
anything in less than a week.. even if the company was my
neighbour ;) Well, some do this way quicker than others, so I hope
you are right, not me.

Hi Lordenlil

Well, I already got a confirmation e-mail that the package will be posted a.s.a.p. If that means today, I got it tomorrow sure thing. Napalm is generally very reliable with shipping (at least within the same country ;) ). Hehe, it almost looks like a competition who of us gets the new Vintersorg first. :grin:

@ Morg + Eldzik: Thanks for the nice welcomes! I find this board just as pleasant as the Borkie one. I bet that's because of the many familiar faces. :)

See you around!
@Somber Soul: yeah, V and Borkie forums is like family;) the same faces, nicks, avatars and... both bands have the same vocalist:lol:
the album ruuuules. the only thing i don't like is that "crack" sound at the beginning of vem styr symmetrin? when you move directly to that track.
I also hate that anoying 1ms of disturbance in the begining, I nagged on them before the final master and told them to adjust the locate mark a bit, but still it's there. But in some Cd players you don't have it, it depends on the internal CD clock..........

mr V
And Morgana: Why the lyrics on trance locator is messy have it's lets see who figure it out first....

mr V