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I've been listening to Saxon's fourth album, Denim and Leather. I think it's really cool, it has a good 'ol rock and roll feel to it.

Also, I think this is hilarious, and oh so cheesy. He's so fucking metal, and so is his wife.

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I was listening to a bunch of power metal bands the other day - Steel Attack, Brainstorm, Crystal Eyes, Freedom Call, etc. etc.

It was fun but not something I'd enjoy very often I think. Helloween is the only straight power metal band that really holds up for me.
Yeah I's not too popular around here lol

A strange phenomenon since Symphony X isn't far from power metal at all. I actually get more of a power than progressive metal vibe from Symphony X anyway, at least from Paradise Lost and Iconoclast.
A strange phenomenon since Symphony X isn't far from power metal at all. I actually get more of a power than progressive metal vibe from Symphony X anyway, at least from Paradise Lost and Iconoclast.

Check yr ears, then. SX has power metal elements sometimes but the bare bones are pretty far off - way too syncopated, and the soloing is completely different (no refrains in the solos, no guitar harmonies, etc). They're compared to power metal but the only good reason I can see for this is that they're fantasy-themed and sometimes sound "epic."
I was listening to a bunch of power metal bands the other day - Steel Attack, Brainstorm, Crystal Eyes, Freedom Call, etc. etc.

It was fun but not something I'd enjoy very often I think. Helloween is the only straight power metal band that really holds up for me.

I find myself always going back to Gamma Ray when it comes to power metal. I used to like Hammerfall, but it got old, and progressively worse.

I do think there are more prominent power metal elements in the past 2 SX albums, but I wouldn't really consider them not too far from it.
Check yr ears, then. SX has power metal elements sometimes but the bare bones are pretty far off - way too syncopated, and the soloing is completely different (no refrains in the solos, no guitar harmonies, etc). They're compared to power metal but the only good reason I can see for this is that they're fantasy-themed and sometimes sound "epic."

It all depends on where we draw the line between power metal and progressive metal. It seems people like to think of power metal as a very narrow and restricted genre whereas progressive metal is this huge thing with a lot of very different bands. It's almost like everyone likes to be called (or likes their favourite band to be called) progressive rather than power because the latter has such negative connotations for many.

Still, I for one could easily call songs like Set the World on Fire power metal because that's what they feel like to me, even if they have progressive elements.
The first Helloween and most early albums from Germany's big ones, are more like fast (often really fast) thrash metal. Not really power metal (definitely not by todays definition at least).
I for one could easily call songs like Set the World on Fire power metal because that's what they feel like to me, even if they have progressive elements.

When it comes to Symphony X, to my ears they have three different types of songs: progressive, power, and "other." Set the World on Fire does have a few progressive elements, but I hear mostly power metal. Eve of Seduction and Seven are other songs from that album that I consider power metal, while a song like Domination would fall into the "other" category.

But even their more progressive songs have power metal elements. Several sections of The Odyssey, for example, contain this (Champion of Ithaca comes to mind).

At the end of the day I find it easier to just enjoy all the songs and not worry about what sub-genre of music it belongs to, although I do find it somewhat interesting.

I need to check out Gamma Ray and Helloween, although I admit that power metal usually isn't my thing.
I need to check out Gamma Ray and Helloween, although I admit that power metal usually isn't my thing.
Make sure to check out the title track of Gamma Ray's debut record "Heading For Tomorrow". It's totally up there with progressive metal's great cornerstones, just the ingredients are a little more basic. They became more and more generic with each album afterwards.
Helloween's first album with their marquee song "Ride The Sky" is essential from a pure power/speed metal viewpoint. I've never fully come to love their supposed masterpiece "Keeper Of The Seven Keys", though.
Helloween is on my "bands to check out" list.

Helloween has quite a few good albums. I think prog metal fans would warm up most to the Keeper albums or Gambling with the Devil.

Some highlight songs from their discography (IMO):

-Heaven Tells No Lies
-The Keeper of the Seven Keys
-I'm Alive
-Wake Up the Mountain
-Midnight Sun
-Take Me Home
-Ride the Sky
It all depends on where we draw the line between power metal and progressive metal. It seems people like to think of power metal as a very narrow and restricted genre whereas progressive metal is this huge thing with a lot of very different bands. It's almost like everyone likes to be called (or likes their favourite band to be called) progressive rather than power because the latter has such negative connotations for many.

Still, I for one could easily call songs like Set the World on Fire power metal because that's what they feel like to me, even if they have progressive elements.
Maybe the problem is that power metal has an almost entirely historical definition, while "progressive" music is supposed to be a term part historical and part "anything that is complex or pushes boundaries."

Historically though, I don't hear anything in SX that suggests they've traced their lineage from the classic power metal bands - Yngwie Malmsteen/Tony MacAlpine, etc. and Dream Theater are the obvious influences.