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btw I've heard that they're gonna be here for H2000 festival.I thought you will be interested ? :p

but imo they don't fit that festival's style anyway(you know what I mean)
oO"Oh boy there he is, its the good son, and he loikes dark tranquillity to, I hope he appreciates The Gallery as much as i do."
Originally posted by ashure
btw I've heard that they're gonna be here for H2000 festival.I thought you will be interested ? :p

but imo they don't fit that festival's style anyway(you know what I mean)

yes, together with my dying bride....thats the rumor, but very exciting, isnt it?? :rock:

*alternolar yanda dans ederken akerfeldt orda death vokaller yapacak. hahahahah çok iyi ya*

but HIM and the gathering were there last year, too. but they are not that metal after all...
Originally posted by Don Corleone
yes, together with my dying bride....thats the rumor, but very exciting, isnt it?? :rock:

*alternolar yanda dans ederken akerfeldt orda death vokaller yapacak. hahahahah çok iyi ya*

but HIM and the gathering were there last year, too. but they are not that metal after all...

*alternolarý geçtim clubberlar toplu intihara filan giriþirler bence ki bu da bizim gruplar için yeterli ambiyansý yaratýr zannýmca* :lol:

oh and I didn't know it's my dying bride, I've heard it's pain of salvation..things are getting complicated,hmm?:spin:
PAIN OF SALVATION????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? THIS IS GETTING INTERESTED.
nah, i hate rumors. next thing, it will be metallica.

*þimdi senaryo þu. genç clubbercý erkekler, çýtýr alterno kýzlarýný tavlamaya geliyolar, akerfeldtle aaron þööle sahneden bir bakýþ atýyolar. bunlar da hemen o dj çadýrlarýna kaçýyolar. 3 gün sonra, festival bitince, gaz maskeli jandarmalar çadýra girip, yaklaþýk 3000 alterno/clubber/popçu/kýro ölüsü çýkarýyolar ordan.*
yes, it's in istanbul. it takes place every year in june. the first one was in 2000, so it's always called h2000 (and i dont know why). HIM and the gathering were here last year. if those bands show up and you are willing to come, i'll host you guys. thats a promise :)
oh god that would be sooooo much fun!! I hope these are not just rumors and could really happen:hotjump:

oh Don btw make sure you don't leave the country for Interrail in June :)