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yes i was at the cranberries concert and i was on the verge of tears when they started playing that of my favorites.

*hehe hiç utanmam cranberries dinlemekten..."gelmiþ miydin" kelimesi kullanýldýðýna göre, konsere gitmiþiz."* :)
Istanbul productionsda bir arkadaþým var onun sayesinde Cake ve Cranberries konserlerinde görevliydim iþte sahne arkasýnda. minik dolores'e meyve tabaðý hazýrladýk :lol:
yes thats why i dont listen to them. sorreeeyy. if we're talking about bands from private high schools, i have always liked mavi sakal. no one can beat them! furthermore, they are from my sister school (tarsus amerikan) so i feel an extra sympathy. :)
i also have heard mor ve ötesi was going to cover foolish casanova. even the thought of it makes me sick.