Now Reading...

Ken - You seriously may be the only man in the world who listens to Toto and visits the Amon Amarth message board!!! :lol:

I like to keep people guessing. :) Tonight I'll listen to some Tangerine Dream just to really shake it up.

I just watched the Amon Amarth DVD 'Wrath of the Norsemen'. I remembered liking the one Amon Amarth CD I heard a few years ago, and since it doesn't cost any extra to put a DVD in the ol' Blockbuster queue, I gave it a shot. And I liked it a lot! So I went through the AA forum to get to their web page to check out their recent discography. I'm not a regular there or anything.
NR: Triggerfish Twist by Tim Dorsey

The best description I've read to describe Dorsey's writing is Carl Hiaasen and Elmore Leonard on crack. This is the fourth Tim Dorsey book for me in the last two weeks, and ther eare still three or four more after this one. Between Dorsey, Christopher Moore and Bill Fitzhugh, I've been very well entertained as of late.
"Traveling Music: The Soundtrack to My Life and Times" Neil Peart
"Jewelry Making and Beading for Dummies" Heather Dismore and Tammy Powley

I have a very bad habit of reading two or three books at a time. I read a few chapters in one, pick up another, read a few chapters of that, and so on.

NR: The Dark Tower III - The Waste Lands by Stephen King

Are you re-reading the series, or is this your first time through it?

I'm reading "The Skraeling Tree" by Michael Moorcock and "Requiem for the Sun" by Elizabeth Haydon.

I read when working out at the YMCA, during my occasional hour-long therapy sessions at Starbucks, and at night before falling asleep.
