Now Reading...

Read Red Dragon and The Silence of the Lambs and then stop with Thomas Harris. It doesn't get any better after those two...just progressively worse.

Finished another Bill Fitzhugh book yesterday... Pest Control, which is basically about an entymologist who's obsessed with developing what he calls "Assassin Bugs" as an all-natural pest control method. Broke, in debt, and with a family to take care of, he answers an ad for an exterminator, whereby he is then mistaken for a major league contract killer. International hit men/women and the CIA become involved... hilarity ensues. A good, quick, humorous read.

Just started Bloodsucking Fiendss: A Love Story/U], by Christopher Moore, and will then move on to the sequel You Suck!. After that, I believe I'll be diving into Cross Dressing, which is the last Fitzhugh book I have at the moment, or The Manchurian Candidate, by Richard Condon.
I'm reading Glen Cook's "Lord of the Silent Kingdom", which is the second book in the "Instrumentalities of the Night" series.

This is probably the best start to a series (it's the second book) I've ever read. I like the fact that Cook's characters are gritty as hell, and smartasses. I also like that Cook expects his audience to be smart and think for themselves. It's not an easy book to read, but damn it's good. Like "The Black Company" this book is also pretty dark. If you haven't read "The Black Company", go do so. It's one of my top three favorite books. It's much easier to read than the current series too.
I just started reading WORLD WAR Z ----- fantastic book, I read that they are turning it into a film...big surprise. This is going to be one hell of a film if they follow the book. Basically it is a series of interviews with surviors of the big 12 year zombie infestation that took place all over the world. Each country handled it differently and lots of bad stuff happend. Lots of interesting scenareos. Worth picking up. I cant put it down...thank God it isnt heavy.
'Billy the Kid', the Endless Ride by Michael Wallis
I've read other books by Wallis, he's meticulous in his research/writing
As for Billy he's become a legend, shrouded in folklore, a cultural icon and a million dollar industry today -
'Ending the Tobacco Holocaust',
how big tobacco affects our health, pocketbook and political freedom
by Dr Michael Rabinoff
According to the WHO(world health organization) 1000000000(that's billion, boys and girls) people will die from smoking this century.
To quote the philosopher and Chicago headbanger, Wolfman Von Jones
"Smoked cigarettes til the day she died" :yuk:
Just finished,
'The Power and the Glory', inside the dark heart of John Paul ll's Vatican
By David Yallop
Interesting stuff ... allowed Roberto Calvi, head of the Banco Ambrosiano, and others who came after him to make use of the Vatican Banks for money laundering, the failure to address the child abuse crisis that came to light in the 1980s, the rise of Opus Dei
BTW, I like John Paul

Just picked up the graphic novel, 'Tricked' by Alex Robinson
On another forum I used the words graphic novel
a forum member asked,"What's a graphic novel"
I read the final Harry Potter while on vacation in Vegas a few weeks ago. Completely amazing - I really have no complaints about that entire series. Just a phenominal story, and the perfect way to end it all.

Also read Dean Koontz's "The Husband" which was a good story as well.
'Watchmen' written by Alan Moore and illustrated by Dave Gibbons
Watchmen is set in 1985, in an alternative history United States where costumed adventurers are real and the country is edging closer to a nuclear war with the Soviet Union (the Doomsday Clock is at five minutes to midnight). It tells the story of a group of past and present super heroes and the events surrounding the mysterious murder of one of their own. Watchmen depicts super heroes as real people who must confront ethical and personal issues, who struggle with neuroses and failings, and who - with one notable exception - lack anything recognizable as super powers. Watchmen's deconstruction of the conventional superhero archetype, combined with its innovative adaptation of cinematic techniques and heavy use of symbolism, multi-layered dialogue, and metafiction, has influenced both comics and film.
I highly recommend this graphic novel.
Its considered one of the *top 100 books of all time*
I've become a fan of Alan Moore after reading V for Vendetta,
I just ordered 5 more of his graphic novels.
I am currently reading Y: The Last Man. I am doing it in trade paperback form...basically 6 issues in one. This has to be one of the best comics I have ever read. I am scared that they are going to make a 2 hour film if this epic story.

Basically it is about a guy and his pet monkey that survive a plague that wiped out every male in every species on the planet. Basically no one really knows how this happened...there are a few ideas that are hinted at in the begining and each get explored. He goes on a mission with two other females across country to have test done in San Fran to help find what happened and why him and his pet monkey lived. Along the way you see how society has changed. Lots of very interesting idea's are presented. Literally each page I cant wait for the next to see what happens. If anyone ever thought it would be cool to be the only guy on the planet...after reading this, it will change your mind.
NR: 'Sacco and Vanzetti', The Men, the Murders and the Judgment of Mankind
by Bruce Watson
NP: Sex Pistols - anarchy in the usa

Just finished reading ... ' A Small Killing', another great graphic novel written by Alan Moore, artwork by Oscar Zarate
just ordered 5 more graphic novels written by Alan Moore, I'm getting a nice collection of Moore's novels, great stuff -
I have been reading lots and lots of trade paperbacks for comics and stuff. it beats having to get each issue seperate. been reading
The Eternals by Neil Gaiman
Agents of Atlas
The Ultimates vol2
I just started a book called Hyperion by Dan Simmons. I was reading alot of great reviews about it, even though it came out in 1989. I was sold on buying it when I found out that the band Manticora did a whole concept album about the book.