If you're into that kind of story, you would probably like Glen Cook's Garrett P.I. novels. They're very similar to what you describe but with a fantastic (as in fantasy) twist. My Dad hates fantasy stuff, but he really liked these novels.
Really?...thanks...nice timing...just what I wanted...was weak-ass substitutions to the author I was paying tribute for...
Aw shit...whatever...I'm glad your Dad likes it...I'm not even going to ask how close I might be to your Dad's age...probably don't want to know...sigh...
Now starting on Terry Pratchett's "Interesting Times." I have, sadly, not read a whole lot of his stuff; I think Good Omens and Small Gods might be all.
I read the Garrett P.I. novels when I was about 21, and really enjoyed them. Glenn Cook is a very prolific and skilled writer, who writes engaging stories and likable, developed (and developing) characters.
Wow, you're in for a treat. Most of the Discworld books are real gems. I've pretty much read them in release-date order and the only one that was less than "very good" IMO was Feet of Clay.
Yay, Chris Golden!
Finished: The Gathering Storm - Robert Jordan/Brandon Sanderson
Any thoughts on it? I was quite pleased. Things actually happen!
Yes, things do happen, as you told me at the EbS show. Because of things happening, finally, I thought it was the best book in the series to date.