Now this I find interesting

I really don't understand how the Scorpions fit in this list. Wacken festival should be more open-minded and include more hard-rock groups, not building a extreme-metal list and then put some old big star to add some prestige. It seems strange.
SickBoy said:
I thought you knew the Japanese are very much into schoolgirls... :grin:

haha but thank god that i don't wear school uniforms :D
actually i set my age 14 to get rid of some internet psycho.... before i was 97 years or something, hehe yeah you can call me witch!
edit: to make myspace page private, you have to set your age 14 or 15 ;)
junnie from the east said:
haha but thank god that i don't wear school uniforms :D
actually i set my age 14 to get rid of some internet psycho

To get rid of? Maybe to attract more :loco:

14 or 97, what counts it's the metal heart ;)