Now watching..

Recently began watching DVDs of the old UFO series that came out in 1969. This is one of those Gerry and Sylvia Anderson productions if anyone remembers those (Space: 1999 and Thunderbirds Are Go being a couple of others they did).

Yep, in fact the lunar base in UFO supposedly became Moonbase Alpha in Space: 1999 later.

Funny thing I barely remembered watching this series as a kid and stumbled across the series at Blockbuster (have the online rental deal where they send me 3 DVDs at a time) and decided "what the heck" and rented it. I'm actually enjoying the show more than I expected I would but sometimes these old, cheesy series just click and this one has. Interestingly, the series came out in 1969 but is set only in 1980 -- someone was REALLY expecting some overnight innovations in technology (for example, mankind already has a fully-functional moonbase)! Oh well, sometimes the more cheese the better..... :lol:

I used to love those sleek gull-wing cars they had. Also note the cellphones in the cars, which were very similar to the actual early cellphones we eventually invented. :)

I used to love the concept of the SkyDiver sub -- detachable, subsurface-launchable aerial fighter, whee! -- and the Interceptors. One big missile, better hope you get the UFOs the first time! :) The costumes, designed as always by Sylvia Anderson, were top-notch. Who can forget the oddly cute, blue haired chicks who comprised the crew of Moonbase? :lol:

I bought the DVD set from and never looked back. :kickass:

In fact, when the opening first played, with the music and that pointy thing flying into the studio name, I almost cried. I remembered it clearly from watching the show on WOR-TV out of New York. :notworthy
Recently began watching DVDs of the old UFO series that came out in 1969. This is one of those Gerry and Sylvia Anderson productions if anyone remembers those (Space: 1999 and Thunderbirds Are Go being a couple of others they did). Funny thing I barely remembered watching this series as a kid and stumbled across the series at Blockbuster (have the online rental deal where they send me 3 DVDs at a time) and decided "what the heck" and rented it. I'm actually enjoying the show more than I expected I would but sometimes these old, cheesy series just click and this one has. Interestingly, the series came out in 1969 but is set only in 1980 -- someone was REALLY expecting some overnight innovations in technology (for example, mankind already has a fully-functional moonbase)! Oh well, sometimes the more cheese the better..... :lol:

I hate to show my age, but I actually remember when that was on TV in 70-71.....I was young back then! LOL I'll have to rent those and see how much I remember of it.....
The Venture Bros. season 2 finale, "Showdown at Cremation Creek"

Whew, this show is great. :kickass:

You know, I didn't like that show for the longest time, but now I love it!

NW: a marathon of Criss Angel's Mindfreak
NW: Family Guy

(Venture Bros.)
You know, I didn't like that show for the longest time, but now I love it!

It took a little while for me to 'get it,' too.

Some segments, like the scene in "Hate Floats" where The Monarch recalls his henchmen after getting out of prison -- complete with "Mars Bringer of War" -- are just drop-dead hilarious...and brilliant.
Another example: the opening segment from "Powerless In the Face of Death," with its nods to Duran Duran and perfectly realized score melding seamlessly into the rave scene. Gorgeously done.

NW: a marathon of Criss Angel's Mindfreak

Oh, jeeze. :)

I was kinda hoping to get Criss to come to Dragon*Con along with Klayton Scott and Celldweller, but alas, it was not to be this year.
I watched a cool movie called Pathfinder..Can't go wrong with Viking vs Indians :rock:

Awesome movie! Good choice!

heh... I just had Ellen on a few minutes ago. She IS funny, but I like her stand up a lot more than I like her show.

NW: Wonderfalls. Best show ever.

Yeah her stand-up is great, for sure! Her humor during the interviews on her show is simply terrific! lol!

(Venture Bros.)

It took a little while for me to 'get it,' too.

Some segments, ...... Gorgeously done.

Yes! The series is packed with great moments of genius! Some of the Adult Swim shows have taken a while for me to really 'get it' but then they become brilliant to me. Like ATHF, Frisky Dingo, Harvey Birdman, and even Voltron!

I was kinda hoping to get Criss to come to Dragon*Con along with Klayton Scott and Celldweller, but alas, it was not to be this year.

The very moment this happens, you must inform me and promptly schedule me in for a lunch meeting with them! You don't understand. :lol:

NW: a WWE Special presentation: Ladders - all the best ladder matches throughout WWE history! We're currently on the match Jeff Hardy vs Undertaker for the Undisputed Championship! Killer show, I recommend every watch it! It's only $15 on On Demand. It has my favorite match ever - T.L.C. II from WM X7! :cool: