o/t I fuckin hate terrorists


Apr 18, 2005
In a bar
Jesus tap dancing Christ....wtf is wrong with this world???.....first the attacks on London....sorry to any Americans/Spanish out there....you guys have been thru, and seen enough shit already....but fuck....after the London attacks seems our fuckin country has gone crazy...only yesterday, the Police performed a controlled explosion not a fuckin mile from my house on a "suspicous package".....wtf is happenin in this world....shit like this happenin on my doorstep is not good....oh and by the way.....any fanatical mutha fuckers reading this.....GSAD
One man's terrorist is another man's martyr.

How do you think many people in Iraq, Palestine, Afghanistan and others see us? Their best buddies in the whole wide world?

The truth is, we (the West) have fucked with things that, in retrospect, we probably shouldn't have fucked with and now we're playing the price, it was only a matter of time before terrorism hit the UK again.

I know it's all over the news in Britain and America right now that there's a good chance the London bombings are to do with the whole West vs Muslim thing but has everyone forgotten that not all that long ago the police were worrying about terrorism from the IRA?
All these terrorists need to fucking die... And we can't just sit around and let them fuck with us like all the hippie douche bags want us to...
you can't get rid of them. this isn't like a typical war where you see their soldiers lined up on the otherside of the war field and each side start taking each other out.

First off, they would hate us even if we didn't do anything to them. I know people that live in Belgium, Netherlands, etc where many middle easterners are now living in big numbers. Instead of adjusting to the countries they move to, they want the people who have lived their whole lives there to adjust to their customs. Now obviously not all of them are extremists but if the middle of the road ones can't handle adjusting, it shows how the extremists HATE everything about the west. They would hate us even if we gave them part of the planet to be by themselves without interfering with them.

When we do take some of them out, it just makes it easier to recruit new members. It is like when the nazi skinheads go after dumb white trash uneducated fools.
Instead of adjusting to the countries they move to, they want the people who have lived their whole lives there to adjust to their customs. Now obviously not all of them are extremists but if the middle of the road ones can't handle adjusting, it shows how the extremists HATE everything about the west.
my families been in this country 2 generations. my grandfather was here for 15 years and he went to fight in world war 2 . he was 20 years old with a wife , son and my mother on the way. he always say's he loves this country and if he would of had to die fighting for it so his new family could have a better chance at life . he gladly would have. now fucking people bitch about america , then they still move here and bitch more. fucking stay in your own damn country or move here and get on board with us. i'm sick of bending over backwards for people who don't wanna learn the laungauge or customs. if i was gonna move to another country , i wouldn't have the balls to ask to be treated special and, i wouldn't expect it either.

and these terrorist scumbags need to be idenified , dragged outside in the street and shot in the head . stop trying to be civil and fight fire with fire !
I know people that live in Belgium, Netherlands, etc where many middle easterners are now living in big numbers. Instead of adjusting to the countries they move to, they want the people who have lived their whole lives there to adjust to their customs

But isn't that the same way with the mexicans that are coming here?
Sometimes I think I should become a real christian or convert to islam or judaeism so I could bitch about how unfair the world is to ME! And then jerk off to some religious book so I don´t have to ask any questions or think for myself, because I´m the victim.
DiscipleOfThePit said:
One man's terrorist is another man's martyr.

How do you think many people in Iraq, Palestine, Afghanistan and others see us? Their best buddies in the whole wide world?

The truth is, we (the West) have fucked with things that, in retrospect, we probably shouldn't have fucked with and now we're playing the price, it was only a matter of time before terrorism hit the UK again.

I know it's all over the news in Britain and America right now that there's a good chance the London bombings are to do with the whole West vs Muslim thing but has everyone forgotten that not all that long ago the police were worrying about terrorism from the IRA?

This is a prime example of the apologetic bullshit that will get us all killed by these maniacs. Pull your head out of your ass. Since when did blowing up buses and shops full of women and children get you anywhere? Those people are so goddam brainwashed it's ridiculous. Here's a prime example of a fine member of the "religion of peace:"

Suspect in Dutch filmmaker's murder makes dramatic court room confession
Rozy157 said:
This is a prime example of the apologetic bullshit that will get us all killed by these maniacs. Pull your head out of your ass. Since when did blowing up buses and shops full of women and children get you anywhere? Those people are so goddam brainwashed it's ridiculous. Here's a prime example of a fine member of the "religion of peace:"

Suspect in Dutch filmmaker's murder makes dramatic court room confession
Exactly. By the way, arabs through their history have never been innocent victims. In 7-10 centuries they conquered whole Middle East, Northern Africa and a half of Spain plus all those Meditteranian islands (Sicily, Cyprus, etc. except Malta - the knights kicked their asses) and it was like you either converted to islam or got enslaved. Ask any African - Arabs were the biggest slave traders, forget Spaniards, Portugese, and French. So when later on the Turks and later Brits sent everybody's ass to fly a kite out of the region, Arabs started to feel bad. Fuck You! I don't come to fucking Yemen, apply for a fucking public assistance and then blow the place up!
the world is going down hill. hate to to see what the future holds for this world? sad, very sad. imagine the shit going on that you don't hear about.
Rozy157 said:
This is a prime example of the apologetic bullshit that will get us all killed by these maniacs. Pull your head out of your ass. Since when did blowing up buses and shops full of women and children get you anywhere? Those people are so goddam brainwashed it's ridiculous. Here's a prime example of a fine member of the "religion of peace:"

Suspect in Dutch filmmaker's murder makes dramatic court room confession

Well, what you do if you were in charge?

Close the boarders?

Restrict internal travel?

Round up all ethnically non-British people into camps?

The price we pay for living in a country where we have achieved the level of casual freedom that exists in Britain is that people are allowed to think, believe and, to an extent, act as they want.

The people suspected of the attacks on London were born and raised as Britons although they are of Pakistani origin. Do you know how big of an undertaking it would be to monitor the actions of every Muslim who poses a threat to Britain's towns and cities?

Also, wake up and smell the shit you sleep in... Britain has been hit by terrorism countless times in the past century and that was by the Irish.
Exactly. By the way, arabs through their history have never been innocent victims. In 7-10 centuries they conquered whole Middle East, Northern Africa and a half of Spain plus all those Meditteranian islands (Sicily, Cyprus, etc. except Malta - the knights kicked their asses) and it was like you either converted to islam or got enslaved. Ask any African - Arabs were the biggest slave traders, forget Spaniards, Portugese, and French. So when later on the Turks and later Brits sent everybody's ass to fly a kite out of the region, Arabs started to feel bad. Fuck You! I don't come to fucking Yemen, apply for a fucking public assistance and then blow the place up!

And what you just said about the Arabs forging an empire for themselves was different from the French, German and British empires how?

Every empire subjugates it's foreign citizens by forcing their religion and language onto them.

And as for the Arabs being the biggest slave traders, do you want to come up with som figures to back that up?
DiscipleOfThePit said:
Well, what you do if you were in charge?

Close the boarders?

Restrict internal travel?

Round up all ethnically non-British people into camps?

The price we pay for living in a country where we have achieved the level of casual freedom that exists in Britain is that people are allowed to think, believe and, to an extent, act as they want.

The people suspected of the attacks on London were born and raised as Britons although they are of Pakistani origin. Do you know how big of an undertaking it would be to monitor the actions of every Muslim who poses a threat to Britain's towns and cities?

Also, wake up and smell the shit you sleep in... Britain has been hit by terrorism countless times in the past century and that was by the Irish.

Sympathize for your enemies much?
GregadetH said:
Sympathize for your enemies much?

They (Muslims) aren't my enemies.

Ok, so a a few end up as extremists but, for Christ's sake, if you believe that every Muslim or person of Arab origin is going to bomb your country then you are either high or just extremely stupid!

It'd be like saying that every Irish person was a member of the IRA or Sein Fein.
DiscipleOfThePit said:
They (Muslims) aren't my enemies.

Ok, so a a few end up as extremists but, for Christ's sake, if you believe that every Muslim or person of Arab origin is going to bomb your country then you are either high or just extremely stupid!

It'd be like saying that every Irish person was a member of the IRA or Sein Fein.

I'm not saying all Muslims are our enemies..I'm saying you need to cut out the retarded "We've all had it coming." routine.