o/t I fuckin hate terrorists

GregadetH said:
I'm not saying all Muslims are our enemies..I'm saying you need to cut out the retarded "We've all had it coming." routine.

Displacing Palestinians from their homes, bombing countries for reasons that would turn out to be false and ripping off oil producing countries in the Middle East until OPEC was formed. In the eyes of many people in the Middle East we are the terrorists and, rightly so, they are defending themselves by taking the fight to us. Does it suck that people in the West have been and will continue to be killed? Yes. Will the number of people killed in the West ever match the number of people the West have killed in the East? Probably not.

We had it coming you smelly bastard.
DiscipleOfThePit said:
And as for the Arabs being the biggest slave traders, do you want to come up with som figures to back that up?

Saw a program on TV about this.

I´m not sure if they were the biggest but they were the first to foreigners to visit the central parts of Africa to get slaves. The tribes and people down there traded eachother as slaves. War prisoners, people from raided villages and so on. Then the arabs came along and it became business. And a few hundred years later europeans got into it.

Almost every civilization have used conquered peoples as slaves in some form.
GregadetH said:
Here's hoping you get blown the fuck up then.

You are totally missing the point.

Who gets blown up is totally inconsequential unless you are personally affected by it. It's the reason why people are being blown up that people should be concerning themselves with because no amount of retribution from the west will stop Palestinian, Afghan and Iraqi suicide bombers from targeting symbols of Western oppression.

Believe it or not these suicide bombers (if the London bombers were suicide bombers) probably didn't do it for shits and giggles.

The West could quite easily stem the tide of Eastern terrorism. For example, America and Britain could stop blindly safe guarding their interests in the Gazaa Strip and just let the Israelis and Palestinians be. They won't but they could...
DiscipleOfThePit said:
You are totally missing the point.

Who gets blown up is totally inconsequential unless you are personally affected by it. It's the reason why people are being blown up that people should be concerning themselves with because no amount of retribution from the west will stop Palestinian, Afghan and Iraqi suicide bombers from targeting symbols of Western oppression.

Believe it or not these suicide bombers (if the London bombers were suicide bombers) probably didn't do it for shits and giggles.

The West could quite easily stem the tide of Eastern terrorism. For example, America and Britain could stop blindly safe guarding their interests in the Gazaa Strip and just let the Israelis and Palestinians be. They won't but they could...

....or Islamic extremists could put an end to Jihad on anyone who basically does not believe what they do. They won't but they could....

The door swings both ways there pal o' mine.
GregadetH said:
....or Islamic extremists could put an end to Jihad on anyone who basically does not believe what they do. They won't but they could....

The door swings both ways there pal o' mine.

They can't because they (Muslim extremists) know that as soon as they end their Jihads the West would start/continue to walk all over them.
Arg_Hamster said:
Sometimes I think I should become a real christian or convert to islam or judaeism so I could bitch about how unfair the world is to ME! And then jerk off to some religious book so I don´t have to ask any questions or think for myself, because I´m the victim.

Awesome! :lol:

I consider myself a progressive liberal. I want these terrorists FUCKING DEAD. Fuck them. They are against what I do belive, which is personal freedom. (don't mistake REAL liberals for the hippie douchebags you hear about on TV) I don't feel sorry for them, they make their own goddamn decisions, and by doing shit like this, they're threatening my country's way of life, which is to be able to make my OWN goddamn decisions. FUCK THEM.

BTW, any time you add the word "fundimentalist" to a religious group, you're dealing with nut-jobs. Christian fundimentalists are just as looney as the Islamic ones, in their own special way. But I can tolerate some xian fundies, as they're not FUCKING KILLING PEOPLE FOR DISAGREEING! (the xians are just trying to force their shit on the rest of us)

In summary, this is something that the conservatives & the REAL liberals can agree on: TERRORISTS FUCKING SUCK.
DiscipleOfThePit said:
And what you just said about the Arabs forging an empire for themselves was different from the French, German and British empires how?

Every empire subjugates it's foreign citizens by forcing their religion and language onto them.

And as for the Arabs being the biggest slave traders, do you want to come up with som figures to back that up?

Figures? Are You kidding? The whole concept of the global slavetrading was developed by arabs. You see, all nations were involved in slavery at some point in their histories - POWs automaticaly were becoming slaves. But Arabs were the first nation who organized transcontinental enterprize - between Asia, Africa, and Europe. People were picked up in Spain and Greece, Percia and Armenia, Nubia, Ethiopia, and the African West Coast, and then sold at the markets in Rabat, Damascus, Bagdad...
I am sure that is possible to come up with the figures, but it's not what I tried to prove. All I wanted to say that Arabs should not be more pissed off with America or Britain then any other nation we weren't fair in the past. Would it be OK for Japanese to retaliate for Hiroshima by blowing some dirty bomb in an american city? Or for Germans who still remember horrors of Dresden to do something of the kind in UK? The world is full of bitterness. Hey, Armenians still remember the genocide by Turks, and Poles will never forget those who were executed by Russian Bolsheviks. Why then only these fuckers think they can kill innocent people to make their point? You can talk about Iraq as much as You want, and I will agree that the dumbass should have never invaded there (at this point - he should have never been re-elected)... Now, how many do You think there are Muslims who feel for those intentionally, randomly and cold-bloodedly slain civilians the way You feel for them. That is the difference. You and people like you are normal human beings, those murdering bastards are bunch of low-lifes.
I'm sorry, the trail of my thoughts is not exactly clear, got too emotional...
Figures? Are You kidding? The whole concept of the global slavetrading was developed by arabs. You see, all nations were involved in slavery at some point in their histories - POWs automaticaly were becoming slaves. But Arabs were the first nation who organized transcontinental enterprize - between Asia, Africa, and Europe. People were picked up in Spain and Greece, Percia and Armenia, Nubia, Ethiopia, and the African West Coast, and then sold at the markets in Rabat, Damascus, Bagdad...
I am sure that is possible to come up with the figures, but it's not what I tried to prove. All I wanted to say that Arabs should not be more pissed off with America or Britain then any other nation we weren't fair in the past. Would it be OK for Japanese to retaliate for Hiroshima by blowing some dirty bomb in an american city? Or for Germans who still remember horrors of Dresden to do something of the kind in UK? The world is full of bitterness. Hey, Armenians still remember the genocide by Turks, and Poles will never forget those who were executed by Russian Bolsheviks. Why then only these fuckers think they can kill innocent people to make their point? You can talk about Iraq as much as You want, and I will agree that the dumbass should have never invaded there (at this point - he should have never been re-elected)... Now, how many do You think there are Muslims who feel for those intentionally, randomly and cold-bloodedly slain civilians the way You feel for them. That is the difference. You and people like you are normal human beings, those murdering bastards are bunch of low-lifes.
I'm sorry, the trail of my thoughts is not exactly clear, got too emotional...

More importantly, people of today should not be blamed for what people did in the past, as the people of today... DIDN'T DO IT! That goes for a lot of things.
I wish I knew more about the Iraqi "resistance"-groups and what they want to do with Iraq if the troops were shipped home. Seeing how it´s ok to bomb markets "Hey, Ali at the market is selling pirate N´Sync-shirts. Any volounteers?", or when they blow up kids for getting a fucking Snickers bar from some GI:s "The infidels promote bad eating habits for the young muslims of Iraq. let´s kill the kids!"

Sounds like Iraq would turn into Duke Nukem-land if the resistance got it their way.

I´m not fond of how Dubya and the goons (honestly I think he´s the goon, Rice and co look so much more intelligent compared to him, anyway..) handled this or why they choose to invade Iraq. The whole "We want to free Iraq from Saddam and stop their export of islamic terrorism" is pure A-grade bullshit in my ears. I wanna see them go into Saudi-Arabia, Egypt and Pakistan if they say they wanna ride the world of terrorists.
The Hussein-family was not a group of fundamentalists, maybe they showed up for prayers sometimes (and then hurried home to take a ride in their new Porsche and get some whiskey), Saddam was a pretty ordinary corrupt dictator if you look at his policies. As an oppressor and asshole he was big though. Iraq was never a very religious land compared to other places in the Middle East and it´s not uneducated farmes from the countryside that commits terrorist acts in the west.

The typical profile of a terrorist would be a student or a educated person who move to the west or a young person from the suburbs who´ll take a "vacation" to Pakistan or Algeria for a couple of months and then comes back home ready for action.

Sgt-D, I agree with you that the people who represent or claim to be liberals often are a bunch of PC-wimps who hide behind that tag so they don´t have to voice opinions.
That's why we need a new label.

LIBERAL: Someone who believes in the liberties of the individual, and believes that we need to watch corporate jackasses more than we do currently (and stop sucking the corporate cock).

DOUCHEBAG: Someone who's totally hung up on PC-bullshit. Includes all members of PETA.
Only select few people are to blame for bombings- and guess what? I think America is one of them. We fucking get into things that aren't our business and when someone finally stands up for themselves, America tries to make us think everyone from the middle east is evil! That's their defense for fucking up. It is wrong to do what those terrorists are doing, yes, but it is also wrong for America to be sending people over to the middle east to bomb innocent people. My boyfriend is middle eastern and his family is there just trying to get by & live, but they can't because they are too scared that our country is going to kill them. Neither "race" is "wrong" people make decisions individually.
Only select few people are to blame for bombings- and guess what? I think America is one of them. We fucking get into things that aren't our business and when someone finally stands up for themselves, America tries to make us think everyone from the middle east is evil!
you stand up for yourself by killing thousands of innocent people ? so if i think your way of life is evil i have the right to blow your family up. terrorist are not a goverment formed army who are defending a country. they are a group of assholes terrorising innocent people in the world. they do not want change in their region of the world and not everyone who lives there agrees with them.
sorry ,maybe the war in iraq is not the solution but the war on terrorism "is" america's buisness.do some home work on some of the terrorist groups. they've destroyed a lot of their countries artifacts and herritage on this crusade they're on.
I think that everyone here also needs to realize that this shit is more about religion than politics or shit like that. It's very simple: we have three groups that came from the same basic religious background (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam) that all want to kill the other ones. It's unfortunate, but untill ALL THREE groups (you christians too) can sit the fuck down and get over their self-rightiousness, this shit will never end.
karrokid said:
you stand up for yourself by killing thousands of innocent people ? so if i think your way of life is evil i have the right to blow your family up. terrorist are not a goverment formed army who are defending a country. they are a group of assholes terrorising innocent people in the world. they do not want change in their region of the world and not everyone who lives there agrees with them.
sorry ,maybe the war in iraq is not the solution but the war on terrorism "is" america's buisness.do some home work on some of the terrorist groups. they've destroyed a lot of their countries artifacts and herritage on this crusade they're on.

Did you read a fucking word she said? She said, and is correct in saying it, that they attacked us because of everything the US has done in the Middle East. (and yes, lots of innocent people get killed in wars) Those nutcases don't really care if we watch Jerry Springer or celebrate Christmas. They do care when we prop up dictators in their countries or keep troops in their holy land. No, it's not justified for terrorists to kill innocent people either. But if we're going to have a government, its sole purpose should be protecting its people (i.e. the United States, not South Korea, Germany or Taiwan). Right now the government just exposes us to more harm.

I would also point out, just for informational purposes, that even though Bin Laden is not part of any government, he is hugely popular in much of the world. This is in large part because of his leadership of the mujahideen in fighting the Soviets in Afghanistan.
jdelpi said:
Did you read a fucking word she said? She said, and is correct in saying it, that they attacked us because of everything the US has done in the Middle East. (and yes, lots of innocent people get killed in wars) Those nutcases don't really care if we watch Jerry Springer or celebrate Christmas. They do care when we prop up dictators in their countries or keep troops in their holy land. No, it's not justified for terrorists to kill innocent people either. But if we're going to have a government, its sole purpose should be protecting its people (i.e. the United States, not South Korea, Germany or Taiwan). Right now the government just exposes us to more harm.

I would also point out, just for informational purposes, that even though Bin Laden is not part of any government, he is hugely popular in much of the world. This is in large part because of his leadership of the mujahideen in fighting the Soviets in Afghanistan.

I'm gonna have to agree with you here. We need to stop meddling around other countries affairs, for numerous reasons. First, is your above reasoning of the bad juju that we're getting. Second, (and I'm gonna state this big enough for those ass-jacks in DC to see) THE MONEY WE'RE BLOWING ON COUNTRIES THAT HATE US COULD BE BETTER USED TO HELP AMERICANS, GODDAMIT!

Seriously, we give enough money to these (insert some shit here)-istan countries, only to have them celebrating as we get shit on by people with fucking box-cutters! If they don't like us, then give us our foreign aid back!