Figures? Are You kidding? The whole concept of the global slavetrading was developed by arabs. You see, all nations were involved in slavery at some point in their histories - POWs automaticaly were becoming slaves. But Arabs were the first nation who organized transcontinental enterprize - between Asia, Africa, and Europe. People were picked up in Spain and Greece, Percia and Armenia, Nubia, Ethiopia, and the African West Coast, and then sold at the markets in Rabat, Damascus, Bagdad...
I am sure that is possible to come up with the figures, but it's not what I tried to prove. All I wanted to say that Arabs should not be more pissed off with America or Britain then any other nation we weren't fair in the past. Would it be OK for Japanese to retaliate for Hiroshima by blowing some dirty bomb in an american city? Or for Germans who still remember horrors of Dresden to do something of the kind in UK? The world is full of bitterness. Hey, Armenians still remember the genocide by Turks, and Poles will never forget those who were executed by Russian Bolsheviks. Why then only these fuckers think they can kill innocent people to make their point? You can talk about Iraq as much as You want, and I will agree that the dumbass should have never invaded there (at this point - he should have never been re-elected)... Now, how many do You think there are Muslims who feel for those intentionally, randomly and cold-bloodedly slain civilians the way You feel for them. That is the difference. You and people like you are normal human beings, those murdering bastards are bunch of low-lifes.
I'm sorry, the trail of my thoughts is not exactly clear, got too emotional...