o/t I fuckin hate terrorists

Pink_Metal said:
We fucking get into things that aren't our business

I agree, we should let the rest of the world fend for itself. Unfortunatly we live in a global business world where everything going on in the world matters here. Have you seen the gas prices lately? I say we become more self sufficiant and let the rest of the world go fuck themselves if that's what they want to do because it will no longer matter to us. Is it cold, yes but it's the truth i feel. Maybe not, we give a bunch of money to Africa and get nothing in return so I may be wrong, Unless they are the worlds charity cause. Everyone seems to need a feel good drug these days and maybe this is it.

and when someone finally stands up for themselves, America tries to make us think everyone from the middle east is evil!

Just like the rest of the world thinks of us now? I'm pretty sure the prez has said time and again that not all from the middle east are terriost just a few. I have to say that christianity used to spread the word by force but for the most part, we grew past that. That's what needs to happen with islam! They need to go after these assholes that tarnish their religin so the rest of the world doesn't stereotype them. I just don't see the muslums condeming these acts or ratting out those they know to be terriost.

it is also wrong for America to be sending people over to the middle east to bomb innocent people.

The last time I checked, bombing innocents wasn't our objective unlike terriost.

My boyfriend is middle eastern and his family is there just trying to get by & live, but they can't because they are too scared that our country is going to kill them.

I would think the chances of being killed or raped or toutured by the past dictator would have been more plausable than us killing them for no reason.

Neither "race" is "wrong" people make decisions individually.

Your right as far as race goes and people ultimatly make up their own minds but I feel this bullshit of noone is "wrong" is what is wrong" with the world today. I'm sorry but not evryone can be right. How do I know? I'm sure I'll be told that I am wrong about posting what I did.

I'm not saying we're perfect, I'm not that conceded! As far as the rest of the world goes though, I prefer to be here.
DeathsHead said:
But isn't that the same way with the mexicans that are coming here?

I say we change the citicenship rules need to change abit. Fuck that if you have a kid here you get to auto stay and suck off the tax payer shit. If your not a citisen, you don't get shit unless you come here by legally.
This is exactly what the terrorists want, blame the western governments for their actions in the middle east, for america siding with the jews etc. Have sympathy for their cause - NEVER!

Their aim IMO is to stir up racial hatred in the UK and other targeted countries, this is only going to make things worse, they cant win in the traditional sense ie military force, but can stop people living their normal lives, and create a society of fear and suspicion, when you are different to me because of what you wear or what you believe. They want a holy war. They want to bring the west down and make everyone worship the same god as them or die.

If that happens i guess this board and all like them will be banned, and you have to pray 8 times a day and live a shitty life of conforming to their twisted views and beliefs. FUCK THAT!!

The west must beat terrorism or the world we live on will never be the same again.
somekindofmonster said:
They want a holy war. They want to bring the west down and make everyone worship the same god as them or die.

So do the christians. Ann Coulter (the supreme Nut-Case) once wrote that we should invade the middle-east, and kill anyone that won't convert to Christianity. Pat Robertson once pleaded with people to pray for the death or illness of non-conservative supreme court judges. After 9/11, Jerry Falwell went on a rant on TV which blamed the terrorist attacks on wiccans, pagans, & homosexuals(!), among others.

And there are people in this world who take these three jackoffs as seriously as there are jackoffs who take bin Laden seriously. WTF? :err:
when people stop driving their gas guzzeling cars, and when we as a country get out of or "real time/convience" way of life then people can stop bitching about the united states position in the middle east. we consume about 6 times our share of the worlds resources. we can either find other ways to fuel the american lifestyle and compact within our country or we will always have interests in the middle east. as far as innocent people getting killed in war . that is a true statement but, usually innocent civilians are not the main target as they are with terrorists.i do not condem people for their beliefs and i am always open to listen to others opinions. yeah there crazy people of all religions but this group is inflicting the most damage world wide.they dispise the west and they dispise change in their own country. they do not speak for all people of muslim faith. they come into our country and school themselves on how to kill us.stricter guidelines and screenings for school visas and residence need to be put into place.
Anyone that says America or London had this shit coming or is to blame is a god damn douchebag.
Sgt-D said:
So do the christians. Ann Coulter (the supreme Nut-Case) once wrote that we should invade the middle-east, and kill anyone that won't convert to Christianity. Pat Robertson once pleaded with people to pray for the death or illness of non-conservative supreme court judges. After 9/11, Jerry Falwell went on a rant on TV which blamed the terrorist attacks on wiccans, pagans, & homosexuals(!), among others.

And there are people in this world who take these three jackoffs as seriously as there are jackoffs who take bin Laden seriously. WTF? :err:

You're right, those are some real jackoffs but there are extremists in EVERY religion. The difference is you don't see Christians, Jews, Buddists, Hindus, or even fucking satanists running planes into buildings, blowing themselves up in a crowd of people, cutting innocent people's heads off, and what not. These Muslim extremists are a different animal and should be dealt with accordingly.
KY_Fried442 said:
You're right, those are some real jackoffs but there are extremists in EVERY religion. The difference is you don't see Christians, Jews, Buddists, Hindus, or even fucking satanists running planes into buildings, blowing themselves up in a crowd of people, cutting innocent people's heads off, and what not. These Muslim extremists are a different animal and should be dealt with accordingly.

How about the IRA? Or the wacko christians that blow up abortion clinics? There's tons of shit that the christians have done to the non-christians in the last couple of millenia. Does that mean that the current ones should pay? No, but I'm just saying that most religions have a dirty side, christianity included.

To be honest, most major religious groups, (christians, jews, muslims, hindus) are pissing me off. I'm sick and tired of hearing from these groups that they're all about love, and then they spew out "except for the gays, other religions, other sects of our religion, other countries, other races, and other ideas." I've dealt with enough christians in my life who've stated very strongly & flatly that it doesn't matter if you're christian, you need to be THEIR version of christian. (usually baptist, evangelical, pentecostal, or a combination of the three)