O/T Is Obama a terrorist?

McCains defeat was assured the day Palin was chosen for his running mate

McCain's defeat was assured the day they chose McCain. i've long held the belief that the fix was in on both the DEM side and the GOP side to kill the democracy, end capitalism and institute Marxist rule.
McCains defeat was assured the day Palin was chosen for his running mate

Agreed. I always felt it was a move to counteract the distinct possibility that Obama would chose Hillary, but then it was too late to back out because he didn't want to make her cry.:waah:

McCain's defeat was assured the day they chose McCain. i've long held the belief that the fix was in on both the DEM side and the GOP side to kill the democracy, end capitalism and institute Marxist rule.

Reading your posts amuse me, and make me sad that people like you actually exist in this day and age. Why bother reading about anything when you can post sound bites you've heard from other people.

Obama's as comparable to Karl Marx and Bush is to Adolph Hitler.