O/T: Just Finished my New Art Website!

Three days of virtually non-stop work, lots of designing off the handle, and a TON of CSS programing... yep. I must say, this is one of my finest works! In essence, a "masterpiece" is everything you know and have learned about a subject and put it into one work. Well, in that since, this website is a masterpiece! :D

At any rate, boring tech-jargon aside, this is my art website re-launched. I think it says something when your applying for web design jobs, showing your website, and no one is responding. So I just revamped the entire thing and re-approached the entire thing. Techies will be happy, and everyone else will just be glad I found a better way to design this thing.

So, that said, ENJOY!!!


Let me know what you think! Also, if you see any problems, let me know!
Oh yeah! I got myself the Wacom3 tablet. It´s great!

Awesome! Now your just behind the times by 3 years! LOL!

I'm trying to get one of these babies:



$2500, but worth every penny! It makes the entire process a shitload easier because your not "hoping" your pen mark is right, you can see it right there!
Hey Larry..... really nice job dude. I can honestly say I am a fan. Just remember us little dudes when you are Huge. Stay cool, and keep your stick on the ice. (Sorry, old Canadian expression, couldn't resist)