Obama owns internet?

PROPOSED BY JOHN ROCKEFELLER, IT'S ALL PART OF AN ILLUMINATI NWO CONSPIRACY!! :yow: Seriously though, that is pretty freaky, and while the internet is of course very decentralized, as they say in the article, it seems like all it would take would be for the government to shut down a few big ISP's to mostly grind it to a halt!
Na na na...you guys got it all wrong. It wasn't Obama, it wassss:


I think it makes for scary headlines but is probably something the president could do anyway in the case of an emergency (like someone hacking the power grid).
I do love how a bipartisan bill regarding presidential powers over US utilities in a state of emergency gets boiled down to "Obama owns the internet."
Certainly the fear is that we could end up with a situation like China (censored, limited internet) but that strikes me as about as likely as the "The government is going to come to my house and take my guns away" fear.

The fact that the Government can/will/does legally take private property under Eminent Domain is a far more real threat since it isn't hypothetical. But, it's also incredibly old news and doesn't warrant headlines anymore.
Did you read the comments on that article? Man! republicans just can't shut the hell up. Communism is coming? ... nutjobs
Did you read the comments on that article? Man! republicans just can't shut the hell up. Communism is coming? ... nutjobs
Right, lest we forget the Patriot Act. That's an old game. Republican politicians just want a different big government than the Democrats. Truth be told this bill could have easily come any time in the last fifteen years under any congress or administration.....and don't read that as an endorsement on my part.
The bill is still in the early phases of development and may never pass, in any form. Not worth getting worked up over, all kinds of dumb ideas are proposed and shot down all the time in Washington.
The bill is still in the early phases of development and may never pass, in any form. Not worth getting worked up over, all kinds of dumb ideas are proposed and shot down all the time in Washington.

Exactly. That is why comments like this...

Communism (Marxism Leninism Obamanism) is coming.

... piss me off. Give the guy a break, he's not going to magically save your country in a few months or even years. Stop being paranoid about socialism or communism and just do your part helping your country instead of taking it on Obama.

Well.. whatever. I don't live there anyway
