Simply by owning a gun and others being aware of this you spread fear and respect that you do not deserve just because of the fact that you own a gun
And you let yourself be controlled by fear to some extent and I understand that americans have been formed that way.
I think it is of no use to debate this any further. If you want to stand on the side that guns serve a purpose and want to defend their existence then there will be always people like me standing on the other side, fighting for a peaceful world. Nobody should need a gun for whatever reason.
How the hell can somebody think guns have a right to exist in the first place? I don't even get that. That's brainwashing your own mind. It seems to be as influencial as religion is. Just because there are some cases where gun-use lead to good things doesn't justify their existance. It is the same with religion. For me guns (or any other weapon) and religion are completely useless and superfluos. As long as this shit dominates hand-in-hand with a capitalistic, egoistic society we live in a sad place to be.
There's people who have arguments supporting death penalty. There's people who have arguments supporting childporn. There's people who have arguments supporting gun ownership. People who support drug use. People who support religion... I could go on and on... I simply don't get it. For me all these people have some sort of brain damage. Maybe it is curable in all cases but that is to find out.
I am idealistic, I am a pacifist and I think liberal. Guns are not peaceful, certainly not an ideal solution for anything and it is not liberal to own one.
On that note I cannot respect people who think that guns should exist.
first of all, i never said that i think guns SHOULD exist.. i wish all weapons would disappear (i'd happily give up my target shooting pastime if this could happen) ... not
going to happen though, and i live in the real world.
second, equating gun ownership in any context whatsoever, even mentioning it in the same sentence... with the inference being that it is equivalent in any way... with child pornography or drug use is ludicrous, spurious, and disingenuous.
third, by law those carrying weapons under CCL license are NOT allowed to let ANYONE in their environment know that they have it. it is strictly illegal to do so. you may only reveal it when engaged in actual self-defense or the defense of others, so your characterization is way off the mark there. no one with a CCL "spreads fear", you don't even know they are carrying until they are using it to save a life.
fourth, violent crime happens in every type of society, not just "egoistic capitalist" societies... just ask the American wife who's husband was knifed to death by a crazed Chinese assailant while in China to attend the Olympics. there are thousands of examples like this.
fifth, you think Americans have been "formed to be controlled by fear?? where do you get this stuff? have you ever even lived here?
i respect your position and your right to be a pacifist. i'm a pacifist myself really, i hate fighting of any sort. war sickens me. crime sickens me too, making me doubly determined to never be it's helpless victim.