

Chosen One
Apr 18, 2002
Stoke-on-Trent, England
Visit site
I have just noticed that on the picture on opening page of SD's unofficial fan page that every1 is wearing shoes/boots except Martin who is bare footed!!

I found this kinda weird so i thought id ask if there is any reason for this??? :confused: cause that floor doesnt look very warm or soft.
Originally posted by Silent Downfall
hehe, damn you still look at that page? it's

well, to be perfectly honest i was checking if the official Skyfire site was working yet (and it looks like its being totally re-done cause its under construction) but i clicked the link to ur site.
Originally posted by Shmeir
I have just noticed that on the picture on opening page of SD's unofficial fan page that every1 is wearing shoes/boots except Martin who is bare footed!!

I found this kinda weird so i thought id ask if there is any reason for this??? :confused: cause that floor doesnt look very warm or soft.

The reason is very simple =P We had just been rehearsing and I had such a bad hangover that I couldnt participate in the end. I had to lay down on a sofa until the others were finished :rolleyes:

So I didnt care much about anything really, I just wanted to get those damn photos taken FAST, get home, drink water and get some sleep.

(so its not like im a hippie or something ) :)
Originally posted by Shmeir
the more i look at that picture the more i can see u as being a hippy :loco: with the long wavey hair and ur pure white clothes compared to the rest of the guys in black :lol:

Thanks alot dude!! :p

no, but seriously. I could not agree more with you but at least i dont think i live like a hippie. Or maybe I am :p
well...fuck that, i enjoy beer, women and heavy metal and if thats a hippie´s philosophy i guess im close to beeing a hippie.

So for the next albulm, after Mind Revolution...it's going to be called Peace, Love, and Death Metal?

The albulm will advocate the violent application of flowers and fluffly objects.

AKA, getting beat to death with a daisy. :)
:lol: i guess to be a real hippy u would have to live in a tree and be stoned off ur face every day, and im pretty sure u dont live in a tree.... hehehehe

all my relatives think im a hippy cause im growing my hair, its like they dont realise that metal exists, especially my grandad who is always taking the mick (but only in a light hearted manor)