Oceansize (support Porcupine Tree)

i still don't know why legendary bands (or people) like King Crimson/Robert Fripp open for other bands who came into popularity more than 20 years later after they started?
bloodlust rampant said:
i still don't know why legendary bands (or people) like King Crimson/Robert Fripp open for other bands who came into popularity more than 20 years later after they started?

Because they still make relevant music?
So when are Opeth and Porcupine Tree going to tour Aus together to play 5 shows in Sydney on consecutive nights?
And I'm still waiting for Arcturus to do an extensive Aus tour with Garm as special guest, and because they would be touring with newly reformed Emperor, they can get Ihsahn to perform vocals on Radical Cut:)

Not to much to ask is it?
Silent Song said:
ask for Ulver too. :)

For sure. Here's how it should pan out:

Opeth come on, play for 2 hours with 'Morningrise' and 'Still Life' all the way through, have a 15 min break with barstaff handing out free beer and cigarettes, go back inside to watch Ulver play 'Nattens..' and 'Bergtatt' in their entirities, another short break with more free beer and food, head back in with 3 hours of various Arcturus material, with Garm coming onstage every so often, then finish the night with Emperor performing 'Anthems..' and 'Nightside..'

This happens for 7 consecutive nights, in Sydney.

This tour is going to happen, I can feel it.
I have only their debut 'til yet. Listened to it 2-3 times and couldn't find anything special. Same with Isis' Panopticon.
Just need some time and a few more listenings that I'll get hooked, hopefully...