Frost of the sanctum Broken Lance Feb 20, 2002 267 0 16 41 Bridgeview Illinois Jun 7, 2002 #21 I appreciate their talent and the unseen depth of their lyrics, but I just cant get into them.
R Risedfromthedead Member Mar 18, 2002 265 0 16 Visit site Jun 7, 2002 #22 Weezer is also amazing when you discover their talent.
LoboUivante my tummy hurts Oct 20, 2001 2,220 0 36 41 Amidst enlightenment and gloominess Jun 7, 2002 #23 I recently listened to Lightbulb sun and was thrilled with them. I red somewhere that their old albums had a good atmosphere. The song im in love now is Creep from Stone Temple Pilots, its deosn't come out of my head.
I recently listened to Lightbulb sun and was thrilled with them. I red somewhere that their old albums had a good atmosphere. The song im in love now is Creep from Stone Temple Pilots, its deosn't come out of my head.
Demonspell cheating the polygraph Apr 29, 2001 15,341 32 48 45 dead between the walls Jun 7, 2002 #24 Opethpainter - Delirium recently released a compiation of earlier material called Stars die that includes a few rarities.
Opethpainter - Delirium recently released a compiation of earlier material called Stars die that includes a few rarities.