October fucking Tide!


living, breathing
Apr 29, 2001
Solitary Refinement
Here's one thing I just do not understand -- WHY don't I see more people talking about the incredible band OCTOBER TIDE on these (or other related) forums? They are (err, were..) an incredible band whose sound heavily resembled old Opeth and Katatonia, but yet still was completely _October Tide_ and the music was executed with extreme professionalism.. no amature shit.

My assumption is that most people have only heard of their name, or maybe not even that... and not the music. I often crank their album "Grey Dawn" or "Rain without End" and it honestly baffles me that they are at least not mentioned more often.. I mean there is DIRECT appeal for Opeth fans here, no question.. Martin's voice on "Grey Dawn" is also -very- similar to Mikes (growls). OH, and the band consists of Fred Norrman and Jonas Renkse of Katatonia.. too bad it's now defunct.. but still, those two albums are incredible..

I'm currently streaming some mp3s with Shoutcast if anyone is interested. It's at 56kbit rate, so you'll have to have a fast connection to listen without it skipping,.. but I'll play some October Tide/new Novembre/new MDB, etc.. whatever.. if anyone is interested.
Oh, err, to listen, goto http://redhouse.dyndns.org:8000 and click on "Listen".

I need to lay off the fukking mochas...
October Tide is such a great band. I LOOOOOOVVVEEEEEE Grey Dawn...it crushes even the original Katatonia. The only weak point were the lyrics! I want a new album...can't believe that they put SUCH an amazing project to rest for NOTHING. If there's one band that should record a new album then it's October tide - for sure. (it really bothers me that Diabolical Masquerade does go on, but October Tide doesn't. Frustrating.)
I freakin love October Tide. Definately in my top ten list. I love the growls on both cds. It's always surprised me too how so many seem to have left them unnoticed. To me they seem like a less complex, more doomy Opeth (which is quite a good thing!)
I've got 'Grey Dawn' and it's absolutely brilliant.

One of the things I like about it is the steadiness of the whole thing, if that makes sense. It knows where it's going and doesn't need to break out into fast riffs or anything like that.

It's just a fantastic album, and Jonas' drums have one of the best drum sounds I've heard- ever.
Grey Dawn is awesome, it's one of those albums where I just HAD to learn how to play all the songs. I've only heard the 4 tracks from RWE on the MP3.com site, but they rule aswell.

One of the things that doesn't get them noticed may actually be Jonas himself. I've read atlest 2 interviews where he abuses the albums, says he thinks they're shit and should be taken out of print. That guy worries me, he seems to have such a negative attitude about alot of his music, he even bags Dance of December Souls............

Maybe he needs a hug ;)
Originally posted by _Transparent_
grey dawn is great, i cant find the other album though :bah: i suppose thats why they aren't mentioned much, as not many people can get their hands on a copy.

I was actually looking through one of the new Relapse Records catalogs, and apparently they now have "Rain without End" in stock! Their # is 800-303-0606 or of course www.relapse.com if you're interested in getting that, I know a lot of people have been looking for it..

By the way - the October Tide mp3.com page is www.mp3.com/octobertide
Originally posted by forlorn soul

I was actually looking through one of the new Relapse Records catalogs, and apparently they now have "Rain without End" in stock! Their # is 800-303-0606 or of course www.relapse.com if you're interested in getting that, I know a lot of people have been looking for it..

By the way - the October Tide mp3.com page is www.mp3.com/octobertide

wow, thanks a lot. i'll give it a look. oh yeah relapse also have that Nile cd, that you can only get from their site/mailing thingy i heard. might give that a look too. :grin:
Originally posted by _Transparent_

wow, thats too much, so where did eveyone else get it?

I used to work at a record store a few years ago and for one of my jobs I was able to listen to CD's while I worked. By pure serendipity, I picked up 'Rain Without End' out of the used bin and put it on. My first impression was 'Wow, this sounds a lot like Katatonia (but doomier).' Then when I looked at the insert and saw Jonas Renkse, I immediately had to buy it....besides it was only $5.95!!! Not a bad investment. :heh:
i often forget where i read shit (wish i had link):

but Anders wrote that he believed Jonas still
had it in him to put out another October Tide....
that there needed to be a great enuff demand.

then again yourdeadgroom is rite... i've seen
shit out there that reads jonas' displeasure
for those releases, so i don't know

i think i speak for most in saying there is prob.
a huge interest on the part of the fans.
i too, love this band.
October Tide is indeed great. And they have the best band name ever. October Tide, mystifies and intrigues instantly.
Jesse, I have posted on the Daylight Dies section a question that links Daylight Dies to October Tide. We're they a big influence on you guys?
I really, really, really like this band. I own Grey Dawn, which kicks my ass. I hadn't heard Rain Without End until last night, courteousy of Triste. I think Grey Dawn is awesome, DEFINITELY.... but after I heard Rain Without End, I'm wondering if that would be even MORE of a favourite if I kept listening to it. Now, if only I can find a copy...