Off-Topic: Interests Outside of Music

Wicked Child

Mar 4, 2003
Vista, CA
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Yes, i realize there have abeen a recent string in off topic topics,'s another one. Live with it. :D Plus, i figure this would be a great way to get to know ya'll personally,though i do know some of you pretty well already.

What are your other interests and/or hobbies outside of music? I know we all have SOMETHING that we like or like to do when we're not headbanging madly(or for certain things, WHILE headbanging madly). What are these things?

I'm a HUGE, HUGE, HUGE professional wrestling fan. I have been for as far back as I can remember, which is about 3 years old. In fact, my earliest TV memory is me watching NWA/WCW Clash Of The Champions V! That was in early 1989! I know quite a bit about wrestling, going as far as the mid 70's, but mostly the 80's and beyond. I've been to a total of 2 live wrestling events, and as i write this, i am looking at the ticket for my third live wrestling event: WRESTLEMANIA 21. I don't remember a whole lot, but i remember enough to know for a fact that as early as age 3, i sat in my living room, watching all these different promotions,consumed in pure awe. But yeh, wrestling is definitely one of my bigger interests, probably my second biggest, just behind music.

I'm a radio nut. I love the idea of radio, the fact that you use your imagination, and that it feels more personal than TV, meaning that if the DJ or personality doesn't suck, it feels like he/she is talking to YOU. And i love that. I love everything about radio and hope to one day be on it. As a matter offact, i actually spend more time in a day listening to talk radio than i do watching TV.

I'm also a comic book nerd, and damn proud of it! I have been since i first watched the 1989 Tim Burton classic, BATMAN. And Batman is still to this day, my favorite, by far. Overall, i'm more of a DC comics guy, though i still enjoy some Marvel, Image, Dark Horse, etc.

I also like video games. Not as much as i used to. The love has kinda gone down a bit during this current console generation, mostly because i'm missing alot of great games(particularly RPGs) because of my lack of a PS2. But i still keep up with the industry(i have a subscription to Electronic Gaming Monthly), i still play my older systems and my Gamecube.

I'm also into politics and current events. I like talking about it, i watch the news, listen to talk radio and i'm even taking a Political Science class this semester in college.

And how can I forget!? WRITING! I love to write! Editorials, album reviews, poems, it's all good! Poetry was my first love, but i then discovered my love for writing reviews soon after. I even write reviews for the metal website

I'm not very athletic, so i've never been into playing sports or anything. Just not my thing, though i love watching football for some reason.

Yeh, i'm a nerd, but i'm damn proud of it!

Internet surfing, reading when I have time to, cinema as much as I can, fantastic art, Star Trek, erotica history, mythology, vampires
I have many interests....which range from:

- spending time with my beautiful Chinese wife & our yet-to-be-born child (future headbanger!)
- reading and studying history (all sorts of history!)
- debating/discussing political idealogy and philosophy
- comtemplating the place of mankind in the grand scheme of the cosmos!
- reading....anything and everything
- I love Star Wars!
- Japanese culture, particularly the Samurai and the Edo period
- discussing the economics of major league baseball

I also have a keen interest in the human mind, and what motivates it/us.
I can spend hours reading psychological theories from the past & the present. And I love discussing what makes us "tick".
In fact, a few years ago, I decided to see a shrink. But not because I felt that I needed "help". Rather, I went because I simply wanted to pick her brain! After about 4 sessions, she asked why I was there (I feined some nonsense about being depressed....but I'm not a good actor).
Go Kart racing.

Cars. I love cars. As a matter of fact, today I went and test drove a fully optioned SLP SS Camaro, a Trans Am and a new GTO. Fuck if I know how I was qualified for a 40k loan on a car with a 25k income (I'm a college student gimme a break 20k is a lot)

Chess: Just whooped my friend a bunch.


Forum Surfing
hahaha Wrestling,Video Games(Wrestling and Megaman at the moment),Smoking to much pot, Playing Bass and Guitar, Working(I Hate it but I love it and would go insane if I didnt work), Tho Listening to Heavy Metal Music in all its forms is my passion I absolutely Love it nothing else compares while doing anything else I enjoy Metal has to be there too :headbang:
Well, being a (youngish) single guy, my other interest apart from music, and website bulding is. . .
Outside of Metal I also like the following:
Reading - SF/Fantasy, History, Military History, The Fortean Times, Manga, some US comics and pretty much anything that comes to hand. Stick me in a doctors waiting room and I'll read Fishing mags if there's nothing else.
Anime. Buffy. Daydreaming.
reading non-fiction about serial killers, and horror fiction. Writing poems, lyrics, short stories, and currently working on a novel. Video games, mainly rpg, currently working on beating Medal of Honor - Frontline for PS2, and Slave Zero for cpu. And watching horror and comedy movies.