Off-Topic Thread :)

Ooooooooo crap joke time :)

Two Fleas!!!

Two fleas had an arrangement to meet every summer in Miami for a vacation.
Last year when one flea gets to Miami, he's shivering and shaking.
The other flea asks him, "Why are you shaking so badly?"
The first flea says, " I rode down here from New Jersey in the moustache of a guy on a Harley."

The other flea responds saying, " That's the worst way to travel. Try what I do. Go to the New Jersey airport bar. Have a few drinks. While you are there, look for a nice stewardess. Crawl up her leg and nestle in where it's warm and cozy. Its the best way to travel that I can think of."
The first flea thanks the second flea and says he will give it a try next summer.

A year goes by...When the first flea shows up in Miami he is shivering and shaking again.
The second flea says, "Didn't you try what I told you?"
"Yes," says the first flea, "I did exactly as you said.
I went to the New Jersey airport bar.
I had a few drinks. Finally, this nice young stewardess came in.
I crawled right up to her warm cozy spot. It was so nice and warm that I fell asleep. When I woke up, I was back in the moustache of a guy on a Harley."

:lol: :rolleyes: :spin:

Okay... this one was made by myself:

3 little tomatoes walking over washington DC. One of them was a retarded tomato.

one of them looked quickly to his left and said

well, this aint got much effect writen... but anyways :p
And another time I'm so glad I was born in an area where people are actually taught some lessons of good humour...
for english folks i'm still a bit undecided... like i said before in another thread, they have this downright hideous accent... but they gave us Priest and some more, we can't forget about that... now germans, germans are something else :-) they gave us power metal and some of the best fucking heavy metal bands! (plus their women don't look half bad :-) so i toast for those crafty people, they sure know how to listen to the gods' advices!
i remember i did that test once with some friends!
We didn't miss one!!

Stormblast missed almost ALL OF THEM! uehueahauheauha
every woman he saw he thought was a she male, and every she male he thought was a woman! aeuhaeuhuh

we laughed ssssssoooooo much!! :D :lol::lol: