Offical announcement of Enchant show

Hey thanks for taking these, and the kind words of support. We appreciate it. These pics are actually not bad at all, blue is always good and actually a great color to wear for good shots as well. The amber lights are the ones that cook us up there.

I too had an awesome time! I've been a big time fan ever since Blueprint. (note my nick. Comes from the old IRC days when the names of nicks were limited length. Goes to show you how long I've used the nick)

I thought that you played an awesome set! Loved every second of it!

I was quite impressed with Timeline! Zero hour didn't do much for me... Not really my style. Redemption was pretty awesome. Ray's voice wasn't 100% but the band sounded awesome!

I managed to take some pictures as well. They didn't all turn out that great. Seemed like the light-dude favored blue and red most of the night.