Official Gigantour Announcement/Discussion (updated 7/18)

dargormudshark said:
Well whether you think the bill is good or not is an opinion. I think the line-up blows, luckily I just got into Nevermore so there is one main stage band I like. I don't have any desire to see DT live anymore, and I have never liked for me this line-up isn't all that great.
And for you, that is an opinion, as well. Also, you have the option to not spend your money on a ticket...simple. The constant bitching from people really just chaps my ass sometimes. It's as though some(not neccesarily you) think every fest., or tour line-up, should be to their liking, or they throw fits.

Ozzfest, Sounds of the Underground hold no interest for me, but I don't go on threads about those tours and bitch, piss, moan & complain. I may state my opinion and leave it at that. It would be pointless for me to be constantly bitching about Ozzfest's wasn't put together to please me. Hell, the only bands on the progpower bill, this year, that I like are Conception(fuck yeah!) & PC 69, but I'm gonna be there anyway. If I didn't want to drop the 5 or 6 hundred bills on it, then I would just stay home, but I wouldn't constantly piss on Glenn for his choice of bands.
Sy X totally owned me in Las Vegas. Best of show in my humble opinion.

Life of Agony sucked nads. Not only did their music leave a bad taste in my mouth they were rude. When the people are across the arena positioning themselves for the Dream Theatre show, you shouldn't call them the, "Faggots over there."

Dream Theatre did a damn nice job. Petrucci knocked my socks off and I'm not a DT fan.

Megadeth did a great show, sadly it was mildly ruined by the hordes of fanboi's doing retarded things.

Fear Factory was another nice surprise. While I'm not a fan of their music, they put on a great show.

Nevermore was a pretty big disappiontment for me. Their drummer seemed to be having trouble and the singer definitely gets a full detailing done at the studio.

Bobaflex and Dry Kill Logic is not worth my time to, "review."

Thraxz said:
Life of Agony sucked nads. Not only did their music leave a bad taste in my mouth they were rude. When the people are across the arena positioning themselves for the Dream Theatre show, you shouldn't call them the, "Faggots over there."

Most likely just trying to make up for lack of musical ability on their part.
Oh my...that IS extremely rude of LoA. So not only do they steal the top second-stage slot from SymX, they manage to insult one of the co-headliners, too! What a NICE band. :p
Rose Immortal said:
Oh my...that IS extremely rude of LoA. So not only do they steal the top second-stage slot from SymX, they manage to insult one of the co-headliners, too! What a NICE band. :p

They were running the rotating stage type of thing. The order was,

Dry Kill Logic
Symphony X
Fear Factory
Nads of LIFE of Agony
Dream Theatre

So, it's safe to say pretty much every one there was there for the metal/prog, not the heavy Jane's Addiction knockoff. So everyone wanted to have a good spot lined up for DT while LoA was playing (horribly I might add). While we were quietly ignoring their suckiness, he decided to be a twat and say something garbled about, "those faggots over there on the other side of the room," and, "this is the cool side of the room over here." After that, people on the other side of the room started to scream choice phrases at them. They deserved it. I didn't say anything but I sure chuckled at the comments. (I outright laughed when I saw Dry Kill Logic's bass player with the crowd screaming stuff like, "There's nothing metal about you.")

It's safe to say, they were the LEAST popular band at the show. They had a few drunken mallcore lovers moshing over there but that was about it. It's very safe to say that Sy X saved 2nd Stage. Obviously they were trying to fit as much music as they could into such a short time they were ultra hurried. No more than 5-10 seconds between songs; which suited me because I got to bang my head the whole time. I managed to squeek out a center stage, first row spot. That kicked ass! Russell was amazing. He just belted it out almost EXACTLY the same as the studio. Michael was his godly-self, as usual. Everything sounded like I was listening to the CD (but with added little live stuff that everyone does). LePond wailed on that bass. Rullo was spot on. Can't forget Pinnella, he rocked out on those keys.

\m/ \m/
So is it really like this everywhere? You'd think if it weren't attracting a good amount of extra people they'd take the crap off the bill, especially off the headlining spot for the second stage.
Hey Thraxz, I was probably right behind you \m/

And you're absolutely right, Symphony X was THE highlight of the show for me. I mean, yeah, megadeth and dream theater were really friggin' good, as per usual, but man it rocked to finally get to see Symphony X live! I really hope they come back this way again.

And y'know, as far as LoA goes, I actually had liked their first album, but nothing since then, so when they started playing some stuff off that one I almost got a thought to go over there, but the guy was too busy posing to sing and kept fucking up the lyrics.

The topper was being called one of the "fucking faggots". That to me is not a way to endear your band to people.

Now, since you didn't review bobaflex, i will ;)

I thought they put on one hell of a show. Alot of people may think they're a little too nu-metal, and that's fine. I personally enjoyed it quite a bit. I thought they put on a great show on stage, and had alot of energy and a lot of fun. I've been listening to their first album for the last couple weeks and have really come to like it, it's quite a different sound. And they seemed pretty stoked to see a few people in the audience who actually knew the words \m/

LoA were certainly the low point, and after the behavior I saw, they should be kicked off the tour and that time divided up between the other bands. Just my opinion (of course I'd love to see symphony X given all the time, but let's be fair :P)
For me, the highlight will likely be Dream Theater's performance...this is only because I have already seen Megadeth live, I have seen Symphony X live twice (once opening for Blidn Guardian and once headlining over Devin Townsend Band ( about sitting through shit...) and have yet to see Dream Theater live...I own all of their studio albums and DVD's, however, so I know how they sound and play...but you know what they say: Nothing is as good as being there in person!
VicRattlhd502 said:
Yeah, really! The original press-release said that Minneapolis would be on the itinerary. WTF happened? :cry:

So therefore I and my little circle will be going to Milwaukee on August 13th.
Same for Philly, but do you see a Philly date anywhere? I don't. Get over's inconveniencing my more than it will you, probably....I have to postpone moving my shit and my life up to college until Sunday because of Gigantour (Aug. 27th date)...then I have to move up Sun, and go to my first classes of the year Monday! So don't complain....
Goodness.......the rest of Dream Theater are getting all old and fat, and John Myung looks like he hasn't changed a bit in forever.
i thought symphony had the best performance of the show in irvine ca. I can't believe they weren't even headlining the second stage but whatever. i got my shirt signed by everyone so it was worth the travesties

i think symphony x is my new favorite live band.
I have been carefully navagating the forums, over at the Gigantour boards, trying not to see any setlists. I have never understood people wanting to know a band's setlist beforehand. Anyway, I have yet to see a negative comment about S:X. As a matter of fact, everything I've seen posted about them, so far, has been overwhelmingly positive. I think it safe to say the decision, to go on this tour, was the proper one and will win them some new fans. :)