Official Gigantour Announcement/Discussion (updated 7/18)

dammit, im sorry, but this sucks ass, no symphony x in pissed :mad: ...and the boston show cost me $11 more per ticket than the portland, me or manchester, nh shows... :Puke: :bah:
So I have a silly question: are SX absolutely confirmed (along w/second stage bands) for indoor venues like Portland maine? cause a. i wonder how the 2nd stage works indoors, and b. the show here starts at 7, so i wonder how the schedule works.

Can anyone confirm/deny? The maine date is listed on SX's official tourdate page, so i *assume* (and pray!) they'll be here...

As far as we have been told, the only venues the band won't appear at have been listed already. No need for everyone to fret that the same will happen to their venue. :)

If this changes, we'll let you know as soon as we know, but for now, no need to worry.
Thanks for the reply Jax (and for all yr hard work here!).

I did some math on the proposed band times i read over in Mustaine's forum. Looks like six and a half hours of music, which is why shows starting at 7pm seem really odd. (i guess i could be in the civic center till 1:30am...just seems really late!).

I'll stop fretting and start looking forward to the show!

i have a idea.

in one of the threads (too lazy to check on it) someone said they should play in the dragons den if the rhythm part could be played too. so i got to thinking and came up with this : Russell can play guitar good enough to do the rhythm in ITDD. we have heard his solo record. any comments?
So according to that recent poll, they'll probably play Inferno, and Of Sins and Shadows eh? That's really cool, but what about the other 20 minutes or so that remain in their set :loco: Which brings me to....@Zakk Hey, it's good to hear that the X is definitely comin' to your town! @ The ITDD question, which song off his solo album has the rhythm of ITDD? It'd be cool if he could, but can Russel play guitar and sing at the same time too? COG!

it doesnt have the rhythm from in the dragons den on his album, i was just saying that he could play it if they wanted to have a rhythm guitarist. i think he played most of the riffs on his solo album.the rhythm part wouldnt require him to sing/play at the same time anyway. because when the solo is over romeo can carry on with the chorus riff/ whatnot
The gigantour dates page states that Life Of Agony won't appear at Cleveland or Milwaukee..

Do we know if this means a longer set of Symphony X, or will another band fill the spot for those 2 dates?
Riceloft said:
The gigantour dates page states that Life Of Agony won't appear at Cleveland or Milwaukee..

Do we know if this means a longer set of Symphony X, or will another band fill the spot for those 2 dates?

No idea..I imagine they'll just make the show shorter, or bring in another band, though; I doubt if they'll bump up anyone's set time.
Yeah, why in the world would Dave Mustaine give any more time whatsoever to a good band? He'll probably bring his brother Hed from KoRn in.

Jax said:
They don't have any plans to do that at the moment, and it actually may be part of their contract that they only do Gigantour shows while they're out on the road with them..such clauses aren't unheard of on tours like this. I'll ask, though.

I see on the Jaxx (Springfield, VA) website that Dry Kill Logic and Bobaflex have a one-off show planned. So, maybe some hope for an SX one-off?
No-Mercy said:
FUCK!! im only 13, theres no way im gonna be able to see a damn thing if its more than 5 feet!!

Actually, my young Jedi, the higher the stage is, the more you'll be able to see. It's when the stage gets low that you can't see much. My advice would be to not try to get too close, where it will be tough for you to see; but rather hang back 10-20 rows where the crowd is calmer and stands still, and you should have a decent look at the stage.